The Beginning

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It is Monday night Raw and the Hardy Boys were in catering when Vince McMahon walked up to them, "is he comming to us this, cant be good, Jeff what did you do this time?" Matt spoke with worrie in his voice due to when Vince wants to talk its never good. "Hi boys, i want you to watch this match because if it all goes well with this diver one of you will be getting a story line." Vince said in a dominemt voice. And with that they sat down in front if a tiny tv no questions asked.

"I didnt know we wre going to have a story line with a  diva, did u matt?" Jeff asked with a smurk on his face,"your such a dirty man you have only been devorced a year and no i didnt know" Matt replys. "feels like forever if you get what i mean" jeff spoke laughing, "shut up man and watch".

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