Shadowarms/Sidebeatz #1

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       Albi knew he couldn't tell Shadow how he felt about him. He couldn't tell the man he loved how much he loves him and it killed him. He knew Shadow didn't feel the same way by the way he acted towards him. He always had that hope that Shadow felt the same way and he's had many dreams where Shadow did but he always awoke disappointed.

        Albi has known he was gay for his older friend for quite sometime that but fought himself about it for months before he finally accepted it. Now he always tells Shadow he loves him when he gets the chance. Of course Shadow along with the rest of the crew thinks Side means it in a friendly way not the "I wanna spend every last living moment with you way" that he really means it in. Shadow never will know it either. Side's to afraid to tell him, afraid to lose the friendship that has made his life worth living. He feels its a mistake not telling him, that maybe he does feel the same way, but then another Sidearms joke is made and he thinks Shadow will never love him the way he loves him.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My first ever one shot! Tell me want you guys think! I deleted my book because I'm had no idea what I was going to write about so I started this one shot book! Send me request!

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