i have these thoughts

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people always used tell me that, "you are never alone" or that "i'm here for you to talk to."

and i believed them.

and i would tell people honestly how i felt, how i was doing,

until i felt like no one was listening. until i felt alone, despite being surrounded by friends.

because, truth is, no one truly cares, in my opinion. human beings are selfish and nosey. everybody is too involved in their own lives to give a shit about anyone else's.

so i've resulted in masking my pain in humour. jokes, attempting to make others laugh, i'm good at that. because that way, i'm known as the funny friend, instead of the "sad, attention seeking good-for-nothing leech."

people always used to tell me that "you are never alone" or that "i'm here to talk to." i say, keep yourself to yourself, that way, no one ever truly knows anything.

by rosa

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2019 ⏰

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