Impure Regression

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Impure regression is something a lot of babies deal with. It's extremely hard and exhausting. If your little baby goes through or is going through impure regression remember these words.

Place. - Ask them where they are currently!

Time. - Ask them what time it is!!

With. - Who are they with currently?

And grab their biggest comfort item!!!

Now, to explain further. Place, where are they? If they explain the place they are reliving then calmly have them look around and describe the room they are in. Gently correct them if they need help. Time, what time it is? Have them look at a clock or phone! Once they tell you the time check it to make sure. If they are correct give them a special snack or reward once they're calmed more.

With, who are they with? At that exact moment of course! If they're with their daddy/mommy/caregiver then have them state that. If it's you and a friend or friends, have them state names. Even stuffies count if you'd like! But what will grabbing their comfort items do? It'll help them regress to a safer place as that item is their biggest safe place.

Once you've gotten them to calm down and figure out their surroundings, give them a reward for being such a strong cub! Give them a snack, watch a movie of their choice (baby-friendly of course), play a game with them, anything they'd like to feel safe and comfortable again. But remember(!!) it takes TIME. Impure regression does NOT go away in a few seconds/minutes, sometimes it can last hours.

Now, this goes for long-distance couples as well. Do the exact same in ways you can! If there is a time difference go into your clock app and add on their time to the extra times!! That helps check time if you don't 100% understand the time difference properly. Just because your long-distance does NOT mean it's impossible to get them out of this state.

And sometimes, as much as it will hurt, let them cry it out a little. If you notice it getting too bad to step in only a little. If you step in too much it'll just trigger more so be VERY careful but still loving.

I hope this helps!! Have a lovely day/night! <3

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