Chapter 13

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"Can I support you as a boyfriend and not just a friend?" Jeff asks. I've never had a boyfriend before, not even close, and I didn't come to LA looking for one. But in all honesty, I have never felt about anyone the way I feel about Jeff. He's sweet and caring, and I feel 100% comfortable and safe around him. I like myself better with him around, but committing to a relationship still scares the hell out of me. I don't want to carry the burden of another human's emotions on my shoulders when I barely have time for myself. 

"Jeff.. I don't know what to say" I answer him quietly. His eyebrows furrow, and the small smile he had on his face drops to a frown. "Wait, so you don't wanna be with me?" Jeff asks in shock. His entire demeanor has changed, and I feel like crying just looking at him. "Jeff, I've never been in a relationship before. I'm scared, okay?" I reply. His hands instantly reach up to pull at his hair as he sighs heavily. "You're too scared to fucking try? Addy, I have never felt like this with anyone before. You've changed me so much. I want to be with you, but I can't force you to try something you don't wanna do. Am I not good enough for you? Do you think I'm just a scumbag who's gonna screw you over?" Jeff is practically yelling now, but I can hear his voice shaking. 

"Jeff, you don't think I wanna be with you? I just don't know if I'm ready, okay!" I yell back, and I can feel the hot tears threatening to spill over at any second. "You know what? Take all the time you fucking need. I'm out of here." Jeff spits. "Jeff, wait please!" I yell at him as he walks back and climbs into his car. The engine turns on and he's gone before I could even walk up to the car. Here come the fucking waterworks. 

I reach up to my face and wipe away the tears, attempting to look decent when I walk into the house. I know David and Natalie will be in the living room. I walk defeatedly into the house, shutting the door behind me. "Why are you crying?" David instantly stands and comes to me. Natalie isn't in the living room, so I'm pretty sure David sent her to go buy some crazy props for his next video. "I'm not, David." I say with a shaky voice. I internally roll my eyes because obviously David isn't gonna buy that shit. He knows me too well. 

"Bub, what happened? Don't lie to me," David persists. I instantly throw my head into his chest, and I feel his arms wrap around me. I am now full on sobbing, knowing that I'm staining his shirt with tears. "David, I'm so fucking stupid." I sob. "You're not stupid, Addy. Just tell me what happened." David pulls away and walks me over to the couch, sitting next to me. "Jeff wants to be with me, and I said no. David, I'm just scared. I don't know what to do. Of course I wanna be with him, I should've said that." David's eyes look worried for me, and I can tell he's searching for comforting words to say.

"You are fucking stupid, Addy." David says, and my eyes go wide. Definitely wasn't expecting him to say that. "What the fuck, David? I'm literally crying." I say. "Look, I told you to just tell him how you feel. Stop being such a pussy. Stop being scared of committing to someone. Maybe it'll be a good thing, but you won't know if you're too scared to even try being with Jeff." David advises. I sit there quietly for a second. David is right, he's absolutely right. I fucking hate myself right now. I wipe away the remaining tears on my face. "You're right. I'm gonna call him." I say and stand up. 

"Don't mention me crying to anyone, David. I'll kick your ass," I giggle. David nods his head with a small smile. "You got it. Now go fix this shit." 

I make my way into my bedroom and take my phone out, dialing Jeff's number. The phone rings once and instantly goes to voicemail, so I call again. And again. Each time the phone goes to voicemail, and I sigh as I throw my phone onto my bed. "David!" I yell out of the room. "Yeah?" I hear him from the living room. "Can I use your car please? I'm going over to Jeff's." David answers with 'that's fine,' so I grab the keys and head out.

I park the car in front of the apartment building and make my way inside. I go up to his floor and walk down the hall to his door. To say that I'm nervous is an understatement. I feel like my heart is gonna explode out of my chest. I raise my hand and knock on the door, doing my best to wait patiently for him to answer it. After about a minute without him opening it, I decide to try the knob.

The door is unlocked, so I make my way inside. I look out of the siding doors to see Jeff sitting outside on the couch swing with a blunt in hand and Nerf sleeping next to him. Jeff's head is in his hands, and I make my over to open the door. Nerf wakes up and starts wiggling his little butt, and Jeff raises finally raises his head. His eyes are completely bloodshot, and there are tear stains on his cheeks. My heart breaks looking at him like this.

"What do you want?" Jeff asks in a clipped tone. "Jeff, I need to talk to you. Look, I messed up," I begin saying, but he cuts me off. "Adelaide, I don't need you to feel bad. If you don't wanna be with me, I can't make you. I'll just move on." He says the last part quietly. He's staring off in the distance not even attempting to turn towards me. I walk over to him slowly and place my hands on his cheeks, softly turning his head to face me. His eyes instantly soften, and I decide to climb onto his lap, straddling him. He looks hesitant, but I feel his hands slowly move around my waist. Our eyes are staring into the depths of our souls as we gaze at each other, and I lean forward to press my lips against his. He's slow to start, but he begins kissing me hard. He's kissing me like it'll be the last time he gets to, and his hands push against my back bringing us even closer together. 

Jeff pulls away from me, and his lips are now swollen and red. "Why'd you do that, Adelaide?" He asks softly. "Jeff, I'm sorry for being stupid and scared. I wanna be with you so bad. I'm sorry," I say to him with tears in my eyes. He instantly presses his lips to mine, and my hands wrap around his neck as the moment intensifies. "You're mine, and I'm yours. I won't hurt you." Jeff says. I nod my head at him and peck him once more. "I never thought I'd get this feeling with someone, let alone David's best friend," he giggles. "And I know it's been such a short amount of time that we've known each other, but I love you, Adelaide." Jeff says truthfully, and the butterflies in my stomach explode at his words. 

"I love you, Jeff." I reply. 

A/N: Okay, this chapter was so cute! She finally stopped being a pussy and admitted her feelings woohoo! Btw thank you guys so much for 1k reads!!!

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