Ep1. Gem Glow

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"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! This can't be happening!" Steven cried, staring into the empty abyss of the Cookie Cat freezer. "This has to be a dream!" He turned to Moonstone, Sadie, and Lars, clutching his head. "Oh please tell me I'm dreaming!" He ran over to Lars, latching onto his waist.

"Get off me, man, I'm stocking here." Lars said, shrugging Steven off him.

Moonstone looked down concerned at Steven, who lay face down on the floor.

"I'm sorry, Steven," said Sadie, "I guess they stopped making them."

"Stopped making them?" Steven lifted up onto his knees and turned to stare mournfully at the freezer, "Why in the world would they stop making Cookie Cats? They're only the most scrumptious and delicious ice cream sandwich ever made! Don't they have laws for this?"

Moonstone patted the top of his hair in sympathy.

"Tough bits, man." said Lars from where he was restocking, "Nobody buys them anymore. I guess they couldn't compete with Lion Lickers."

"Oh not Lion Lickers! Nobody likes them!" Steven got up and walked over to the Lion Lickers freezer, Moonstone followed him. "They don't even look like lions! Kids these days, I'll tell you what!"

Moonstone stared up at the Lion Lickers freezer then blew a loud raspberry at it.

"If you miss your wimpy ice cream so much why don't you make some with your magic belly button?" Asked Lars with an unkind laugh.

"That's not how it works, Lars! ...right?" Steven lifted his shirt, revealing his gem where his belly button should be.

Moonstone shrugged, she didn't even know the full extent of her own powers.

Steven squished his belly with a sigh before walking back over to the Cookie Cat freezer. "Oh sweet Cookie Cats, with your crunchy cookie outside and your ice creamy insides," He drew a cat on the freezer's glass, "You were too good for this world." He gave the freezer a kiss.

"Uh, Steven, do you want to take the freezer with you>" Sadie asked as she bagged donuts for Moonstone.

Steven's eyes were all big and pathetic as he nodded, clutching onto the freezer.

Sadie handed the donuts to Moonstone who handed over the money. Then she made herself grow a few feet and stuck a sticker to Sadie's top before shrinking back down.

Sadie let out an amused laugh, "Thanks, Moonstone."

Steven took the freezer, using the cable to tie it too his back, they ran back to the Crystal Gem temple together. Steven hummed the Cookie Cat tune as they went.

Steven threw open the door to his house, "Hey guys! You won't believe this!" He yelled right before getting tackled by a Centipeetle.

The Centipeetle roared and Steven screamed.

Amethyst's whip wrapped around the Centipeetle. "Sup, Steven? Moons?" She said as she yanked the Centipeetle off Steven with a grunt. The Centipeetle flew across the room.

Pearl was on the warp pad, using her spear to fight off the Centipeetles as graceful as a ballet dancer. She smacked one on the head with her spear then sent it flying across to Garnet who broke its back over her knee before throwing it at another. The gems continued to fight the Centipeetles as Steven set the freezer down on the window seat. Moonstone drew her bow and arrow from her gem at the back of her neck and stood in a defensive stance, glaring at any of the creatures that dared look at her or Steven.

"Awesome! What are these things?" Steven asked excitedly.

Pearl lifted up a Centipeetle and groaned. "Ugh! Sorry, Steven. We'll get these Centipeetles out of your room. We think they were trying to get into the temple."

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