Ep2. Laser Light Canon

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Steven, Amethyst, and Moonstone ran towards the counter of Beach Citywalk Fries. "Hey, Fryman, give me the bits!" said Steven.

Mr. Fryman flipped the sign. "Steven! We're closed."

"Aww, what?" Steven said, disappointed.

Amethyst hit the counter. "Give him the bits! The bits, the bits..." She chanted whilst continuously hitting the counter. Steven and Moonstone joined in. "The BITS! The BITS! The BITS!"

"Okay, okay! Take it easy on the counter, will ya?" Said Mr Fryman going off to cook the fry bits.

"Yes!" Cheered Steven, Amethyst, and Moonstone. And they high-fived each other.

"I can give you actual fries if you want." Said Mr Fryman bagging the fry bits.

"Just the bits, please." Said Steven. He took the bag, "Thanks." They walked off, Amethyst and Moonstone snagging a handful of bits each. "Ah, sunset, my favourite time of day." Said Steven, "When the sun goes down, and the second sun gets bigger and bigger in the sky."

Amethyst burst out laughing, "Yeah, that big hot second su-" She gasped. In the sky was indeed what looked like a second sun. "Oh no, what is that doing here?"

"What is it?" Steven asked.

"Yeah, what is it?" Moonstone asked.

Amethyst didn't answer, picking up Steven and Moonstone and running off with them. Steven dropped his bits. "Ah, my bits!" He cried.

"This is bad." Garnet commented.

Pearl was looking through a telescope, "Look at the size of it, I had no idea these things were so big!"

"Garnet! Pearl!" Amethyst ran up to them, still carrying Steven and Moonstone.

"We saw. Some of us are trying to protect humanity." Said Pearl. "Where were you?"

Amethyst put Steven and Moonstone down. "Eating fry bits."

Pearl sighed and face-palmed.

"Oh, can I see?" Steven asked running over to the telescope. "Woah. It's a giant eyeball! Awesome!" He stood back to let Moonstone have a look.

"NOT awesome!" said Pearl, flapping her arms about angrily, "It's a Red Eye!"

"A Red Eye?!" cried Steven, "It's going to infect us all!"

"That's pink eye, Steven." Garnet said. Amethyst started laughing.

"It's going to crash into Beach City and crush us, along with a bunch of oblivious, innocent people! We have to stop it!" Said Pearl.

"What are we going to do?" Asked Steven.

"The only thing powerful enough to destroy it is a Light Cannon that belonged to Rose Quartz." Said Garnet, adjusting her visor.

"My mom?" said Steven.

Amethyst moaned, "If Rose were here, this would be so easy."

"I know," said Pearl, "but she's not, and the cannon is missing. We'll have to find another solution."

"If it belonged to my mom, I bet my dad knows where it is." Said Steven, "He can help us save the day!" The Gems didn't say anything. "Huh? Eah?!"

"Greg is... nice, Steven," said Pearl, obviously sugar-coating her opinion of Greg, "But I doubt Rose would entrust someone like him with such a powerful weapon."

"Your dad is kind of a mess, Steven." Amethyst put her hand on Steven's shoulder.

"AMETHYST!" scolded Pearl.

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