Chap 5 "Patience"

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Zee's POV

A week after our argument, I decided to go home. Street pulled into the driveway and I saw my Tesla sitting in the driveway. "He's home," I replied.

"Are you good to face him alone?" Street asked. "I can go in with you if you aren't."

"I'll be okay, Street," I smiled. I walked inside with my backpack. Hondo was sitting on the couch and I put my backpack by the front door. "Hondo." I walked up to him as he looked at me. "Hey. I'm —"

"Don't say you're sorry," Hondo replied. I put my hand on his shoulder and he pulled away. "Don't."

"What is wrong with you?"

"I've been going crazy worrying about you. I was hoping my phone would ring and I would hear your voice," Hondo looked at me. "I never got a phone call or a text, nothing. Now you show up and then you expect me to accept your apology like nothing happened?" I was taken back a little bit by this. I never knew this side of Hondo. "I would put my life on the line for you." He punched a hole in our living room wall and I backed away from him. "You couldn't even send me a text to tell me you were okay."

"I was going through a rough time, Hondo," I nodded. "Sometimes I'd rather be left alone. But you know me, you're in my life." I looked at him. "From the very beginning I asked you to not give up on me. I get home needing you the most and this is what I come home to."

"I'm sorry if this wasn't what you were planning to come home to," Hondo looked at me. "I sit here and worry about you and hoping you're not dead in an alley somewhere."

"I remember you telling me that I can take care of myself," I replied. "Does that matter or is that just bullshit now?"

"I want to know that my fiancée is okay," Hondo stated. "Is that too much to ask for? I worry because I don't have my eye on you. I worry because Deacon doesn't have an eye on you." I crossed my arms. "I worry because I should know if my fiancée will come home to me safely."

"How do you think I felt these past three years?" I asked. "Wondering if you're ever gonna come home or if I'm going to get a call from the hospital." I sighed as I looked at him, knowing he put himself in this position. "I was always worrying because I didn't want to get that call saying I'm so sorry Miss Rich. Oh, and let's not forget to mention when you went into the Marines! Every single time my phone rang, I was scared that I was getting a call that you were KIA."

"I'm sorry if I'm trying to provide for us!"

"So, it's okay for me to feel that but not you?" I asked. He was quiet. I scoffed and nodded. I took off my ring and put it on the coffee table. "Obviously, we still have a lot to work on." I grabbed my car keys. "I'll clear my stuff out when you're not here. When I'm done, you'll see my house key left in the bowl by the front door." I left and Street was still outside. "You stayed?"

"Yeah, I wanted to make sure you're okay," Street stated. He looked at me. "And from the looks of it, I don't think things went okay."

"No, it did not. I left the ring on the coffee table," I sighed. "I'm going to go to Hector's. You're more than welcome to come with."

"I'll follow you there," Street nodded.

"Okay," I smiled. I got into my car and put Hector's house key on my keyring with my others. I drove to Hector's house and unlocked the front door and walked inside. Hector was on his couch playing his comicon panel. "Hey, are you watching yourself?"

"I'm just trying to see how I can make my answers better," Hector replied as he put his notebook down. "But I can always ignore that and make time for my sister." He got up and hugged me. "Why are you back?" He held my hands after he hugged me. He looked me in the eyes. "I don't feel a ring anymore."

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