the hotel

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So ,you are in London to attend the solo fanmeet of ASTRO's CHA EUN WOO . You went all the way from India just to meet your most favourite idol .You came after fighting with your parents bcoz you are the CEO of your dad's company .But some how you managed everything in the company and reached London for seeing your idol.

You landed in London at evening so you decided to rest for a while and then go for some shopping and grab something to eat .

-----time skip (2 hours) later----

When you wake up you see it is already 9 pm . Then you washed up and get ready to see London . On the way to the shopping mall you grab a hamburger and ab Americano. And then you some nice clothes for yourself and went back to the hotel. You went up to your room and took some rest and ordered dinner in room service cuz now you were exhausted so you were not in a mood if going out to eat .

It was 2 in the morning and you were not sleepy at all so you decided to have a walk around the hotel garden. You walk out in the garden , you layed in the grass and started watching the stars and you were recalling your teenage days that how were insane and thought that you would marry your bias and settle down in Korea and have kids and everything and suddenly you realise that it is not the reality .Tears started to fall from eyes . Then you stand up and sit silently watching the stars and then you realise that how your life has been changed and how you are so busy in the company that you don't get time for yourself . And once again tears started to fall from eyes .You started to feel cold and you forget to take your coat so you were rubbing your hands fiercely .

And suddenly someone puts a coat on you and sat down beside you You were shocked cuz you thought that you were sitting on a place where it was dark so no one could notice you.

The guy who sat down beside you you cannot see each other's face cuz it's dark . He asks you,"what are you thinking so deeply that you cannot realise it's cold outside??". He's voice so deep and heavy . "Sorry ,but do I know you mr.??" You replied.

"Sometimes it's better not to know the person you know." He replied instead

"Yes, that is true sometimes it's the best way to relive your heart out." You said him

"You seem a person with very heavy heart? I see" . He asked

"Not with heavy heart just I never shared my feelings with someone when I needed to do that." . You replied

"So tell me miss what were you thinking?!"..He asked

"I was just thinking that how my life changed and how had to give up my dreams just to help my dad to handle the business ." . You replied

"By the way what was your dream??. He asked.

"I got into Seoul National University Korea which was my dream and was almost true but u couldn't go becuz some serious situation took place in family I was needed to take the company this is my first time after a long time for going somewhere out if INDIA on my own wish and caring about anything." You answered.

"So what are you doing in London ??" He asked.

"Oh! I'm here to attend the fanmeet held tomorrow of Cha EunWoo ." You answered.

"You came all the way from India just to attend the fanmeet!!??" He asked and was shocked

"Yesss is that wrong ? I would go in any part of this world to see the members of ASTRO and that is cuz they entered my life when I really needed someone to laugh with even though they were far from me but they always enlightened my day . " I replied

"Nope , nothing is wrong ." He said in a choked cracked voice

"Are you crying??" You asked the guy

"No!!!!" He replied

"So what are you doing here ??" You asked

"I'm living my dream." He replied

"Lucky you atleast your dream came true not everyone's dream comes true .." you replied

He didn't replies

And then you realise that it's almost 5an in the morning

"You know even though I'm loved by the people around me I cannot share how I felt.." He said to me

"Oh! Then we're relatable .."

"Sometimes even though we're loved one can feel lonley." He said

The sentence he said was so deep that I started ti tear up

"You seem like you have many things in your heart " I replied

And suddenly he cutted me off "oh it's already 5 in the morning I need to go" he said and stands up

I stopped him and said "hey!! Atleast take your coat !!!"

"Keep it with you we might meet again if destiny wants us to" he replied while walking towards the hotel

*After he went inside you sat there for a while and realised that his coat is warm and smells like baby and was thinking the thing he told ya *

Cha Eunwoo's POV----

I finally reached to the last destination for the fan meet . I honestly am really exhausted that I feel like just to lay down and watch the stars all night and sleep with the night sky like blanket. I ate some snacks and did not wanted to eat the dinner cuz I wasn't feeling like eating. Lit was already 2 am in the morning and was not feeling to sleep so I decided to have a walk around the hotel garden and then I saw a girl sitting on the dark corner of the garden as if she wanted to hide from every one . When got closer I saw that she was rubbing her hands all over her body cuz she was feeling cold .

I was wearing my blue eye catchy coat and I wasn't feeling that cold cuz I wore a full sleeve shirt underneath.. so I went near hear and put that coat on her and sat down beside her when I tried to saw her it seemed like she was having a deep thought which led her to teary eyes. Then I tried to have some conversation with hear she seemed a little shocked . I know any would be shocked if you put a coat on at this night .

When i started to talk to her she was exactly the person like me . And then she told me about life and everything and when she told me that she's here to attend my fan meet I was happy and when she told me about her dream and she was thankful to me and members I couldn't stop myself and the tears started to roll my cheeks and she noticed that my voice was choked up . But I manage to change the topic . At that moment I really wanted to see her face and wanted to tell her that how thankful I m bcuz of her words. But I cannot do that . And then I noticed it was already 5 and half hours so I had to head inside. While I was going she asked me to take my coat but told so keep it so I can recognise her at the fan meet and hoped that she wear it tomorrow. Cuz there was something I wanted to tell her. I told the thing that was buried inside me for a long time and I needed to tell someone I couldn't tell that to my members bcoz they'll get worried and I don't want them to worry.

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