Unreliable time

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okay so let's get one thing straight. i do not trust things easily. like it took me a year to trust some of my closest friends. but people are people right? i mean i should be able to trust a simple construct such as time because time never did anything to me!


you see i can be dumb sometimes, i know. but time is literally the WORST!! THE ABSOLUTE F*CKING WORST! 

first lets' get this straight. i've been told that the british somehow decided to create different timezones because their empire was so large and so that's when timezones first came into play. but that doesn't make sense! how could the british decide what time it would be with literally nothing? what fucking sense does that make?

now we all run on the same amount of time and so the british can be like:


but everyones' times are so unexact that it is so impossible to trust it. like right now on my computer it says 11:27, while the wall clock in my classroom (stay in school kids) says 11:26. time is unreliable! 

if it wasn't then maybe you wouldn't get your first rant by professor blueb3rry22, but hey! That's okay1 you guys can always just go wait thirty seconds until i make a new rant.

or is it thirty seconds?

different places always have different means of time. like my family in israel are all around seven(ish) hours ahead while i'm stuck here in this frozen place where i live. anyways you're all here probably like

 anyways you're all here probably like

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But hey! i did technically warn you

this is my brain every day, and yes!

i am a genius.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2019 ⏰

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