After the fight...

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*After the fight between Link and Rhett*


I ran to my locker; trying to leave all of my problems at school. As soon as I closed my locker Rhett was just standing there. Rhett tried to say something but I ran too far to hear him. I decided to go to the parking lot. I heard a voice I didn’t want to hear; it was rhett voice. He said,”Can I talk to you?” Before I could say no he said,”Please I need to explain myself.” Without even thinking I said,”fine” I was too tired to argue.  


I followed Rhett till he finally stopped to get on his motorcycle. He just stared at me like he expected me to do something. “Well are you gonna get on?”, Rhett asked. “Now?” I asked. Rhett chuckled,”yes, do you have plans?” I replied,”Yes with Link!” Rhett asked,”Can you cancel?” I decided to cancel not only to hear his part of the  story but I was also so sick. I texted Link,”srry cant go 2 the movies im 2 sick.”

-------This is my Part finally--------

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