October 14, 2012

178 3 1

Hello, amazing readers!

A lot has happened in my life recently, which is why I haven't been updating much.

I've had many big assignments I had to direct my attention to.

I got my first boyfriend, who later dumped me for another.

The main thing I want to focus on is what happened with HIM.

So he broke up with that girl, and a few hours go, she messaged me. I'm so happy to say that we're friend again. We spent a while talking about how our ex is an idiot. Why? He lied, insulted us, and was a plain jerk!

He broke up with us because we didn't want to kiss him or tell him we loved him. I only dated him for a week. She dated him for about two. We didn't want to say I love you until we truly meant it. I couldn't kiss him because we never actually even went on a date! It technically wasn't even dating!

He apparently called me a whore, which makes me laugh. He obviously doesn't know the meaning of that word. A whore is someone who sleeps around and is promiscuous. I don't sleep around, and I don't plan on doing "it" for a long, long time!

Anyway, this girl was nice enough to say, "hey, she is not!" He responded by calling me a bitch instead. Umm, news flash: he broke up with ME. He's the one who told me we had to breakup because his dad didn't want us dating. Then he told my friends we broke up because I said my parents were strict. That's a lie!

He was also into physical appearance. That's all he ever complimented us on! "You're pretty/hot/beautiful." He even tried to change me. "You look so hot with your hair straight." He kept commanding me to straighten my hair. He told me to get contacts. On the last day of our relationship, he told me glasses were ugly.

This guy is a player! Now he has another girlfriend! A freshman! He's a junior. I'm not saying that's bad, but it's kinda creepy how he mostly hangs with freshmen. This girl is telling ym friend to not talk to him and is just being a jerk.

But forget her. We're better than them. We could sabotage them, but why bother? We're better than them. We're nicer than them. We don't spend our time in class slacking off and looking up "lolcats."

I think our friendship will be a good one. We can relate to each other. We were both used by the same idiotic guy.

My friends all hate him now. Yet, they still let him sit with us. Tuesday, this will change. I will yell at him if I have to. He doesn't deserve to be near us. He's a rotten egg.

Rant over.

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