Chapter 12: Which side am I on?

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A/N, welcome back!
Okay hey people, it's jokers_daughter-ulia, what's up? I know it been aaaaaaages since this story has been updated and everything. Tbh I forgot about it at some point. Really sorry folks. But since you've been waiting for so long, here I am throwing a new chapter at you. Enjoy.
Ps. Happy new year and stay safe out there.

Ethan's P.O.V.

The second Josh told us about what happened between Jj and Simon. I felt, betrayed, I was mad because, usually if anything happens, I'm always the first person to know. And finding about this from Josh just made me feel uncomfortable.. 
When Josh said we needed a plan, to separate two people who loved each other instead of supporting them, I kinda got lost.
I believe I might have overreacted. When I said that it is wrong and I am against it, I didn't really mean it. But if I just tell Josh now, he will most likely punch the soul out of me! So I just sat there quietly listening to him.
"Okay, so just like I said this can not go on. We need to find a way to stop it." Said Josh in a very serious monotonous tone.
"I know! So do we just confront them? Or... I dunno mate, like we could try to separate them.. might sound harsh but it has to be done!" Said Harry, while constantly looking at Josh and then at me. I just sat there nervously, continuously shaking my legs. Then suddenly Josh looked over at me.
"Ethan mate what should we do? Got any ideas to throw on the table?" He said. I honestly didn't know what to reply, I felt like I was under so much pressure and I could just tell them that their intentions are simply wrong!
"Me? Well I'm... nothing really, I'm a bit too tired to think of anything. Actually, I might go get some coffee. I need to wake up.. I slept at 4am and woke up like less than an hour ago man.."
I said, it seemed like a perfect excuse for me, at that point all I wanted to do is just to get out of there.
"Ugh fine. Go for a walk, wake up and if Harry and I come up with anything we'll call you fam." Josh said.
"Okay mate, I'll see you guys later." I grabbed my coat and walked out the door. I just wanted to collect my thoughts. I just slowly drive over to Costa Coffee.
While I was walking I slowly realized how crazy Harry and Josh were being. If Simon and Jj really love each other, then they have no right to separate them, that is just wrong. Why would they react that way tho? I honestly do not understand that. And I also understood how wrong I was at the begging, I never should have been so abrupt with my decision and I regret it now... I tried to brush that feeling off and just listen to some music while driving to the coffee shop.

Tobi's P.O.V.

Today was a weird day. I found out that my two best mates were gay and in live with each other and now I'm calmly walking to Costa coffee with Vikk. Damn, this feels like we're in a movie, however I'm happy for the guys..
"Tobi you good? You look lost mate." Vikk said snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Wha- oh yeah man! I'm good, I'm happy for the guys, but like you know it's a lot in one day." I replied.
"Yeah I know, but we need to support them right? They're out friends... family. They need us." Vikk said reassuring me.
"Yeah you're right... Anyway, let's hurry and get to Costa Coffee! I would kill for a late!" I said and smiled.
Vikk chuckled and nodded. We sped up our pace and rushed to the coffee shop.
*10 minutes later*

Upon our arrival to the coffee shop, we got our coffees and were about to sit down, but we saw Ethan sitting in the corner of the shop alone with his head in his hands, we slowly walked over to him.
I patted Ethan in the shoulder and asked "to Ethan? Is everything okay, why you all alone?"
Ethan looked up at Vikk and I with concern basically written in his face.
"Oh god, lads I'm so happy you're here! There's something I need to tell you and I need your help." He said.
Vikk and I looked at each other and sat down across from Ethan.
"If you will talk about Jj and Simon Bering livers we already know. And I will tell you this right fucking now, we support them and want them to be together. They deserve it and as their friends we should do everything to support them, instead of trying to pull them apart." Vikk states to Ethan right away and I nodded in agreement.
Ethan just sat there with his mother open, I couldn't indicate whether we was shocked, or happy or scared.
Ethan let out a long sigh and look at Vikk and I.
"Lads, listen.. I found out today from Josh, he was furious about it. And at first I greed with him, but then I just left and I believe that he reacted terribly and that we should support the boys instead of fighting them.. so I just needed confirmation and some support for my decision... I'm glad you're here." Ethan smiled.
Vikk and I smiled back at him.
"We're happy that you share our view and that you want to help us support them. And regarding Josh.... I don't know what else to say, but; fuck him. He is unreasonable and so is Harry." Said Vikk.
"Delusional assholes..." I added angrily. "Ethan, could you tell us what Harry and Josh planned?" I asked Ethan.
Ethan nodded in reply, then added.
"We shouldn't do this here, we need to list Jj and Simon know, this concerns them too."

We all agreed and quickly gather our things,  hopped in Ethan's car and began quickly driving towards the house.

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