Chapter 9

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<Blaze's POV>

I looked again at the girl and realized it was nothing more than a projection. She had shortish medium brown hair that is a messy curly, greenish- hazel eyes and wore a simple blouse and jeans.

"Who are you!?" I asked

"Can't tell." She answered "Go get your friend. It won't turn out too pretty if you don't." The girl answered

"Blaze, let's listen to her." Izzy said

"But-" I started

"Do you want Alissa back or not?!" She said, a bit out of character

"Okay, okay..." I trailed off "Let's go," I said as I walked off in the direction of Sky and Hershey. We followed them down a trail into a forest. We all of a sudden lost them.

"Boo." A voice said behind us. I feel a pang of pain in my head and my vision fades to black.

I awoke in a cell with Izzy lying next to me. I tried to shake her awake but it wouldn't work.

"It's no use. She's out cold." Hershey said evilly as she emerged from the shadows

"You! Where is Alissa!!" I screamed at her

"Tsk tsk tsk. Don't yell at me, it's rude." She replied

"And knocking people out and putting them in a cell isn't." I said sarcastically

"Being sarcastic won't help you." Hershey said

"I know." I replied

"Well, bye bye." She said and flicked a switch. I began to feel out of breath. Next thing I knew, I was out cold.

I awoke... In Candy's house? How did I get here? I stood up and walked, through the door? I'm confused.

"You should be." Hershey's voice said in my head

"What Did You Do!! Did You Kill Me?!" I screamed at her outloud

"No, I didn't kill you. Just moved you to another plane of existence or "Layer" until we need you." She replied

"When I get the chance I'm going to kill you..." I mumbled and walked down stairs. I saw that Hieth and Melica were the only ones home.

"They've all been out a while. Can we go look for them Hieth?" Melica asked

"No. I'm sure Blaze has this all under control. They'll be fine." Hieth answered

"But I don't have it under control!" I shouted. Just as I thought, can't hear me. I walk over to Melica and yelled into her ear what I had just said. Melica looked around, confused.

"Hey Hieth, did you hear that?" She asked

"No, what?" Hieth replied

"I thought I heard Blaze whisper into my ear." Melica said. YES YES YES!! I thought

"What did she 'Say'?" Heith asked

"She said "But I don't have it under control!" I think." Melica said

"Blaze! This isn't funny!" Hieth yelled

"You have no idea how much this isn't." I yelled in Melica's ear

"She whispered again!! She said "You have no idea how much this isn't."" Melica repeated me

"Blaze? Where are you?" Hieth asked

"Another plain of existence I think. Just please don't go out looking for Alissa! Please!" I begged and this time I didn't have to yell in Melica's ear. They both heard me talk.

"Another plain of existence? Blaze, who did this to you?" Hieth asked

"A girl named WhiteHershey and Skydoesminecraft." I answered

"Why can't we go after them?" Melica asked

"They have a trap planned. I know it. Just, no matter what, don't go after Alissa." I begged once more

"Okay," They both said. I walked through the front door down into Joshua's mine. If I was going to argue with those two, it was like this. I reached the bottom to see both Aiden and Eira sitting on the floor looking very bored.

"Hey," I said. They both looked around confused

"Who's there?" They asked the air

"This isn't funny sir." They both said

"I'm not "sir". I'm Blaze." I "Greeted" them

"Not the stupid girl again!" Eira said.

"Come out of  your stupid hiding place will ya?!" Aiden said. By now they both were standing with their respective element in hand.

"I can't." I said simply "I'm stuck."

Two chapters in two days! YAY!!! I got nothin' else to say... Uh... Cheese?


Thanks for reading! Pi and goodbye!

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