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No one is born evil, the devil himself was ounce an angel. And just like me, I'm a fallen angel out of gods reach and into the darkness of revenge and my past.

Everyday is hell for me in this damn house. Why. Because everyone hates me because of my quirk.
When you first get your quirk it's supposed to be a wonderful thing right? Well at first it was.

I never got a cat quirk like my mom and sisters or a telepathic one like my dad. Nope, I got something better, a gift from god himself. But with a gift like my came with a curse, to make things worse with just a look in people eyes they tell me things, secrets that shouldn't be revealed to the world but when people look into my eyes those secrets reach the surface and I always find out things I don't wanna know.

The first time my parents looked into mine they confessed something to me, stuff that could have ruined their relationship and a divorce. But instead they talked it out amongst each other and came with a conclusion to bring it out on me. That was at age four when it all started.

Since then I started to wear a blind fold and I never let people look at my eyes. But school was no different. I was still bullied because kids think I had no quirk and if I told them I did they would want some proof, which would lead them into looking at my curse. So I just take the bullies.

It wasn't all that bad, I always had my younger twin sisters by my side. They would always patch me up after a beating or what not. But I should have known something was gonna happen, and just like my parents they fell into my eyes. my sister used to love me with all their hearts and that was what really kept my from truly breaking but one day while I was fixing my blind fold they both looked into my eyes. They told my parents that they would steal everyday causing them to get into trouble making them hate me which led them to not caring for me. After a while they also turned into my parents, torturing me just like them.

I hate every thing and everyone and I wish to just leave. But oh did my wish come true but not in any good way.

Time skip

Everyday is the same

Make breakfast

Get abused my my 'father' for not making it right even though I'm still four and I could barley look  on the counter top.


Get abused by my 'mother' for not cleaning to her likings or just leaving supplies out by accident.


Sometimes I get framed by my 'sisters' for breaking a plate which would cause me to get beat up again.

Clean again and get abused again.


Again making some nasty shit for them because I don't know how to cook and still I get fucked up for it.

Then my 'sisters' wanna play with me which would just be them chasing me with a stick and hitting me with it, it didn't hurt that much because they are younger then me but still it hurts.

Then they would frame me for hitting them then that would lead to me getting hit again.

Then off to sleep, but then the next day it starts over again, day after day.

The beating would get worst by the day. I stopped crying after a couple of months of this shit because I am getting used to it already.

Time skip

I learned with that my eyes can see movements before it happens so I could already see where I'm gonna get hit but I take the punches anyway, but with this I start to learn punching moves from them and I practice when everyone asleep, getting better, faster, and making my own moves with it teaching myself how to fight.

I hope you guys like it, I know it's a short chapter and I'm sorry but the next one will definitely be bigger and better, I'm gonna put more thought into it but I'm glad you guys took the time to check my story out, I'll post another one pretty soon. Grammar might not be that good, it might not make that much sense or I skip to much but I promise the next chapter will be better.

Thanks you very much.

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