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General POV

   The loud hum of the engine echoed through out the alley as Patrick pressed his foot even further onto the gas pedal; urging the car to go faster. "Seriously Patrick? Do you have to go 30 past the town limit??" Henry asked. A smirk formed on Patrick's face, "I can go faster.." the car purred as he sped up, going directly towards the main roads. The couple jerked forward in their seats when the car came to a stop just before hitting the blue pick up. "PATRICK I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD NEXT TIME IM DRIVING!!... this is why I don't suck your dick while you're driving-..." he laughed a little. School starts in 10 minutes and they're all the way on the other side of town.

Stanley's POV

   Being the only out-of-the-closet gay kid at high school is hard... especially at my new school. I just recently moved to this small town in the middle of Maine named Derry. All though it's slightly bigger than the last town I lived in it's still extremely small. Me, my mom, my dad, my older sister Leah and our cat had to move here due to my dad having to switch jobs since he got fired from his previous job as a head chef in one of the restaurants in our old town. He plans on starting up his own restaurant in Derry once we get the money. My dad is an amazing chef. He can cook anything, desserts, gourmet breakfasts, even fair food. Name any food and he can make it, whether that food is from Asia or South Africa it doesn't matter, he can make it. Now enough about my dad and back to what I was saying. Being gay is really hard here at Derry High School. I thought coming out as gay to my small group of friends would be ok but I guess not. Beverly was the one who ended up telling everyone, maybe she was jealous when I told her I like Bill. All though I didn't necessarily say I liked him, I just said that I find him very attractive.. I also think Eddie is pretty adorable too.

    As soon as the news was out about me being gay, the real bullying started happening. I would open my locker to find literally dozens of notes calling me crude names and I even got a few threats. I also heard one of the cheerleaders supposedly cried in the locker rooms cause she was scared the "new faggot freshmen" would 'steal her guy'... which I totally wouldn't do! I mean Greyson Nash isn't even that good looking, and he's kinda stupid. I also would get verbally made fun of too, not just notes in my locker. I'd walk down the halls and guys would blow kisses at me or wink and then yell at me. A few boys even tried telling the principal that I was spying on them in the locker rooms. Thankfully I had proof that I was in fact in the library at the time they said I was peeping on them. But out of all of this, the worst by far is from the bowers gang, I kid you not-... Victor Chris literally passed me a note in class saying 'meet me in the bathrooms at lunch.... after finding out your gay I figured I could talk to you ..' after gettin over the fact that he used 'your' instead of 'you're' I decided I might as well go talk to him. Once I got in the bathroom he locked the door and beat the shit out of me. I had a bruised stomach for a week along with a cut lip. I told my parents that I fell off my bike on the way home and made sure they didn't see my stomach. I knew if I told, this would only get so much worse. The day after he beat me up he came to school with a black eye. That whole incident was 2 weeks ago.

Now I'm sitting here in room A8, that's my science room. Today the teacher was talking about the atomic theory, I guess. I honestly just zoned out and figured I'd get the notes from Eddie.

Henry's POV

I walk into the science room like... 10 minutes late I think? Oh well, I always hated science anyway. It's not like I'm ever gonna use this useless information, like this Darwin guy he's always talking about, unless he's in a good movie or is a pornstar.. I don't know him! Anyway, as soon as I walked into the room, my eyes met with his. The new kid, the just-came-out-of-the-closet kid. Stanley Uris, he has brown curly hair and always wears pastel button ups. Personally I think they look pretty nice on him, they compliment his hazel eyes.... ANYWAY.. ya see.. the way I show my feelings is through, well, being an asshole. So on my way to the spot next to Stanley I.. may or may not have grabbed his notebook as I sat down, taking it with me. "Hmmm what ya writing about in here Uris..?" I smirked and cleared my throat loud enough for the class to hear. "Dear diary..." he tried snatching it from me. "Henry you better give that back!" I laughed "Dear diary.. today I spent my wholeeee lunch period spying on the football team in the locker rooms.. Evan Jacobs is just sooo hot." Of course it didn't actually say that, everyone knew I was joking. But Evan Jacobs was in the room and decided he wanted to play along. "Excuse me?" The quarter back stood up and walked over to us. Poor Stanley was blushing so hard, he kept trying to grab his notebook but I wouldn't let him. Evan pushed the kid on the other side of Stan out of his desk so he could sit there. I was on Stanley's right and Evan was on his left. "Hey Henry... let me see that notebook..." I threw it over Stanley's head, directly into Evans arms. "Hmmm... I see.. Stanley you really like me huh?" Stan protested, "what?! No!!! I never wrote any of that in there I-.." I cut him off "Hey Evan.. want me to.. teach Stan a lesson after class on why he shouldn't spy on the team?" Evan's eyes met mine as a grin spread across his face. "How about we both teach him a lesson?" I grinned back "sounds great" The curly-headed boy in between us had a horrified expression on his face. "C'mon guys-.. please don't-. I.. I already learned my lesson.. I won't do it again-.. even though I didn't do it in the first place... just. Please don't.." I pretend to think about it for a second, "hmmm.. how about... you shut up and just let us get it over with after class?"

    About 30 minutes later the bell rung, me and Evan stayed right behind Stanley as he attempted to walk fast enough to get away. Evan ran up next to him and grabbed the back of his shirt, jerking him back. I grabbed Stanley's arm and pulled him towards the boys bathroom. Me and Evan both held onto one of his arms as we dragged him into the bathrooms. I locked the door as soon as we got in there.

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