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This chapter is dedicated to TMR_VLD_MOZA

I deleted Wattpad a few months ago and decided to check on my acc online, I saw your comments saying to update and it really motivated me. I love it when people comment like that cause it shows me people actually care about my writing. So thank you for caring and I hope you like the next chapter.

Stanley's POV

I can't believe I actually agreed to this but right now I am currently sitting in the passenger seat of belch Huggins car while Henry drives. He looked absolutely awful like he hasn't slept in days and it looks like he has been crying a lot. I didn't want to be rude but I had to ask. "Are you ok Henry?" He kept his eyes on the road and tapped the steering wheel a few times before shaking his head. "Uh yeah I'm fine.. just didn't get any sleep last night.." I nodded a little and looked out the window before turning back to him a moment later. "Your eyes look puffy like you've been cr-.." he stopped me mid sentence. "Listen Stanley.. I don't know you, you don't know me.. this is the first time we're-... we're.... hanging out.. and I'm trying so hard to keep my cool and be nice.. if I was crying earlier or not.. is none of your business and I'd appreciate it if you dropped it.. I told you I'm fine..." I felt so bad, I really didn't want to be rude I just wanted to know what's wrong so maybe I could cheer him up. I know it sounds crazy to care about someone as mean as Henry but that's just who I am.. I love everyone. He pulled up to the library and finally looked at me. "Want me to carry your backpack?" I couldn't help but smile as I shook my head "no thanks.. I got it.." we both got out and walked towards the library. When we got to the steps leading up to the door he stopped. "Ok I don't care what you say I'm carrying your backpack.." I sighed and handed it to him as I grabbed the rail, using it to help me walk up the stairs. My legs didn't hurt or anything it was just my ribs and my stomach. Once we got to the top he opened the door for me. I laughed a little, "thanks Henry-.. you're being so sweet.." he glared a little and let go of the door but thankfully I had just gotten fully into the building otherwise it would have hit me. "I'm not sweet-... you should be grateful I'm being so nice especially to someone like you.." I looked ahead of me and kept walking. "Sorry.. oh and I am grateful.. that's why I thanked you for being so nice.." the blonde just ignored me and walked over to a table, he set my backpack down and then grabbed his, setting it on the ground before sitting down. I stayed across the table from him and started getting my books out. Henry just got out his phone and started texting someone I assume. After I had my whole work space organized and ready I looked up and he was still on his phone, laughing at something. He's got a nice smile, not that I'd ever tell him that, all though maybe that's what he needs to hear....

  I cleared my throat to get his attention. "Henry, books... were studying remember?" I chickened out, I don't want him to think I'm weird or get mad at me. He gets mad at the stupidest things, it's kinda cute in a dumb way. Ok, enough distractions. "We have a test coming up in history.. maybe we could start there?" Henry looked lost already, "uhhh.. history is pretty boring can't we work on a different subject?" I smiled and looked down at my books. "Hmm.. what about math?" I looked over as Henry looked around, trying to avoid the fact that his face was red. "Henry? Math? Is that ok?" He shook his head and sighed, "listen... math just-.. isn't my thing... there has to be something else.." I nodded and looked back at my books. "Science?" He shook his head. "French?" Henry shook his head again, he looked like he was starting to get angry. "What the fuck Stanley I suck at all of this! Isn't there something easy?!" I pushed all my text books aside until I came across the book our English class is reading. "What about English? We're reading Romeo and Juliet.." Henry's eyes lit up but only for a second. He huffed "Romeo and Juliet? Sounds pretty gay-.." I stared at him blankly. "Do I need to remind you, you're also g-.." Henry stood up. "That's it I'm leaving!" I also stood up quickly-.. a little too quickly I think. "Henry wa-.." I winced and let out a hiss before falling back into my seat, I held onto my stomach as the shooting pain started fading. I jumped when I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Fuck are you okay? I'm sorry I'll stay here.. do you need anything?" I was shocked to see Henry trying to make sure I'm okay. My eyes widened as I looked at the hand on my shoulder. My body was tense as I was waiting for him to push me, or hit me, or do something horrible. "Henry I'm sorry I almost called you g-... uhh.. I-..please don't-.." my eyes were closed, I was bracing myself for pain. Henry hesitated as he moved his hand away, backing up. "Don't.. What?" I opened my eyes and relaxed finally, sighing. "thank you.." Henry just backed up further, looking confused. "What?" I looked around before looking at the floor. "You.. you were gonna hurt me right? Or like.. threaten me.. or.. uhh.. I don't know.." he stood up again "I actually wanted to see if you're ok but-.. but if that's what you really think of me..." his confusion turned into anger. Everything always turns into anger with him. I tried to apologize but it was too late, Henry had already left the library, leaving me alone. Wait a second.. he left his backpack, that gives me the perfect excuse to talk to him.. so I can apologize of course. I felt bad, he just wanted to help but I misunderstood the situation. Maybe Henry is-.. changing..

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