Part 1. December 12th, 2018. Winter.

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Hello. My name is Lyra Silvers, And I'm 15, and this is my story.

Silver was a therian. She's bullied and abused by her family at home, so she decides to run away from home. she soon goes to bed and has the strangest dream. In her dream she wakes up on top of water. she feels compelled to go forward to a tree. She then saw a wolf and she felt like- like the wolf was her! The wolf's fur was black and felt like silk, and also has these goldish green eyes. She wakes up and can't believe her dream, but sh soon remembers she has to run away. She then starts to pack her bags to run away from home by escaping through her window. She packed two pairs of clothes and some hiking boots, and put a light, warm sleeping bag in the bag and opens the window, but the window was creaky and make a loud screeching noise waking her parents up. She jumped out of the window and started walking away from the house, it didn't seem like walking through, more like speed walking, almost running. There was a beautiful, lush forest next to their house, more beautiful than a rose or the sky when sunset was up, and also a very busy city a few miles away from their house.

Soon Lyra gets to the city after walking a for a long while, but she has to mental shift... She decides to let her wolf mind take over, so she does and of course her wolf mind instinct takes over and she goes into the woods. She plans to not go too far in the woods, but the time flies quickly and she realizes she's much farther in the woods than she thought. She wanders the forest for the rest of the day, not caring now that she was lost, people would probably take her back home anyway, she spends the rest of her day howling, barking, chasing, and growling at deer and other animals until its nighttime. She soon realized She has no place to sleep so she decides to look for a cave, there she can place down her sleeping bag in a hidden area. She starts walking around looking for a cave until she hears growling from behind her, she immediately knew something was off. she bares her teeth and growls back while turning around to face a werewolf, the werewolf's teeth sharp and ready to attack, claws out and ready to have a fresh meal. She whimpers and tries running away but her bag weighs her down, "Oh God! I can't die now! My life and journey has barley began!!!" She thinks to herself worriedly. As she's lost in though of this she trips and thinks she's about to die, her life flashed before her eyes, terribly scared, but a Lycan come and attacks the werewolf, protecting silver. While they fight, she pretends to play dead. While she's playing dead for what felt like hours and what had actually only had been a few minutes, she fell asleep.

In the morning she wakes to up to find a lycan still in wolf form because lycan's can be and turn into a wolf at anytime, while a werewolf can only be a wolf on a full moon. The wolf was laying on the ground bloody, and a boy who is the werewolf who looked to be her age but 1 year older, on the ground passed out as well and bloody and scarred they both were. So she now has a werewolf and a lycan on her hands and has no idea what to do. She's away from civilization and can't call someone because they would take her back to her house, "oh sh**, what have I gotten myself into..." She says to herself quietly while shaking at the thought of being killed by a werewolf or lycan.

To Be Continued...

Chapter written by: LegalWolfyKitty

Chapter edited by: AccaliaMikumi

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