chapter 1

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"Zack, Thank you.. For doing this for me..." Ray exclaimed with blood on her stomach

"Ray, I'm going to see you soon.." Zack coughed blood while stabbing himself with his scythe.





Malloy woke up with his black hair messy, His Bi-Colored eyes filled with tears and his bandage on his left cheek wet, He saw his little sister on his bed staring at him

"Wha–What now, Brat?" Malloy exclaimed

"First, my name is Mia not brat. Second, Mom is calling you.. Lastly, Your a cry-baby!" Mia left the room before Malloy even told her to.

"Who's Ray...? And Who's Zack...?" Malloy whispered to himself

Malloy's maid came in and placed his clothing onto his bed.

"Leave, I can do this myself. I'm not a kid." Malloy ordered the maid as the maid leaves the room.

After dressing up, Zack went downstairs with his mother waiting for him eagerly.

"What now you stupi–" Malloy was cut off.

"I don't have time for your cussing, Mia told me you were crying. Isn't that unusual, Malloy?" his mother looked at him with dull eyes

"I don't know, But I wasn't cryin' Mia needs her eyes fixed." Malloy reasoned

Mia pointed out his tounge onto him, But Mia and Malloy are good siblings and only fights playfully, But Mia acts like she hates Malloy so much for a 10-year old child.

"Alright, Malloy your turning 18 in July and It's June 9, I expect you to find someone after your birthday."
His mother exclaimed

"Huh?" Malloy was confused

"F-Find someone?!" his face turned red and is looking the opposite direction.

"Yes, If you don't find someone, I'll kick you out, Make sure that you really love that person. I don't really want to force you to find someone, Just let your heart do that–" She was interrupted by Malloy

"There goes the heart blah blah blah– thing, I am not interested in love, A'ight old lady? Have a good day." Malloy slammed the door heading outside.

- With Ray / Grace -

"Terrence? Where are you?!" Grace shouted

Grace was a girl with blue eyes and long blonde hair.

"I'm here!" Terrence shouted as if he was far away from Grace

Terrence is a 11-year old boy with brown eyes and blonde hair.

"Terrence, Look our bills are going high. Our mother is out on her work and she gets paid small.. We do not need to waste anything and don't break anything."  Grace explained

Terrence felt bad about their mother and he nodded and smiled

"I promise when I grow up! I'll be successful to help both of you and Mom!" Terrence said proudly

Grace smiled at Terrence

"Sister, Your smile doesn't fit your dead, dull, empty eyes.. Why is your eyes like that?" Terrence questioned

"...I feel happy and dead at the same time..." Grace answered

"Is my smile not good enough, Terrence?" Grace asked

"No! No! Even if your eyes are like that, I don't care! Your eyes are aren't the best but they are pretty just the way they are!" Terrence smiled

"Heh, Can you call me Ren instead of Terrence?" Terrence asked

"Hm?" Grace was confused

"It's short for TerRENce." Ren said proudly

"Alright." Grace smiled

Suddenly Grace remembered something about nicknames.

"Rachel huh?"

"Come on, Ray!"


"I guess my nickname is Ray."


"Don't let me kill you yet."

Hope you enjoy my stories! As I saw Ray x Zack I said like, Why not make one as well?

This is inspired by What Happens After Death.


Through The Looking Glass

Yeah, Those were good stories! I love em! UwU
Next Chapter Incoming!

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