chapter 2

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"Tsk.. Find someone..?" Malloy whispered to himself

Malloy walks into town, Girls would always look at him and fall in love with him, Malloy didn't really care
He was lost in his thoughts, He kept walking until he went into the poor side of the town, Every house is wrecked and kids look poor and homeless but they enjoyed their lives.

"Howcome their happy even though they're poor?" Malloy thought and thinked

Malloy saw a woman tripped, She was old looks like in a hurry she had brown eyes and blonde hair.

"Here, Let me help." Malloy helped the woman stand up

"Thank you, I need to hurry so I can pay my bills! " the woman panicked

"Hm? How much do you need?" Malloy asked

"Only about two thousand..." the woman turned away looking guilty that she can't make more money

Malloy reached out for his pockets and gave her two thousand with a extra one thousand

The woman widen her eyes and she was crying

"T-Thank you.. Now I can help Grace and Terrence.." the woman whispered to him

"Your a fine young man, Thank you so much!" she cried out

"It's nothin' now go pay your bills." Malloy smiled

The woman ran as fast as she can somewhere, She ran to where people pay bills I guess..

~ A Few Hours Later ~

"Sis, Mom still isn't here.." Ren whimpered

"Follow me Ren." Grace walked out of the door and saw the people crowded

Ren and Grace forced their way in and saw their mother lying dead on the ground

"...m-mom..?" Grace and Ren were traumatized

"MOM!" Ren shouted with tears

Grace was just standing there crying without making a sound, the spark in her eyes disappeared, She was emotionless seeing her mother's body.

"Ms. Willword has been murdered by thugs!" a man said out loud

Grace turned into like a living doll with no emotions, She watched the corpse and her brother crying, She was only 15 at that point turning to 16

"Ren..Let's go.." Grace turned emotionless

"B-But.. What about mom..?!" Ren panicked and he was crying like it was nonstop

"I'm sure Mom doesn't want us to just cry for her, She wants us to survive." Grace looked at Ren with dead eyes

"..I'll go stay with Mom then.. Go home.." Grace changed her mind

Ren did as Grace told him as Grace ruffled Ren's blonde hair.

"Mom.. I'll protect Terrence at all costs." Grace whispered and left

Grace walked by alleys to find some weapons or some clothes for Ren, She checked the garbage, Luckily she found a white jacket and striped shirt with some black shorts and boots, She wore them and she found some pants and a sweater with some boots as well.

"Thanks Mom..." Grace whispered

"Oh, What do we have here?" a man from the shadows appeared with two more people

"Looks like little girly is looking for clothing.." The other man laughed

While the other thug grabbed his knife and ran for Grace immediately to stab her.

Suddenly a figure helped her escape, It carried her to the other side of the town.

"Damn thugs.." The man exclaimed

The man was the man who gave their mother money, He was in a hood and some red pants, Grace could say he's the famous Malloy Brown, She can say he's trying to fit in onto the poor side of the town.

"...Malloy Brown.." Grace looked at hin

Malloy was shocked that Grace knew him.

"Why didn't you just kill them?" Grace asked

"Do you expect me to kill someone? I'm a nice person! Shut up!" Malloy was annoyed by her question

"They killed my mother.." Grace looked down

"Ah, Your that person's damn child huh?" Malloy looked at Grace and leaned down to her level

"Listen here lil' missy, I gave your mom some money for her bills, She mentioned someone named Grace and Terrence." Malloy pat her head

Grace looked at him

"So, Then you must be Grace?" he asked

Grace nodded

"I gave your mother money, You expect me to kill someone when I'm so damn kind at the moment?" he complained

"S-Sorry.." Grace whimpered

"Eh, It's no big deal." Malloy smiled

Grace smiled too, He felt warmth within' her smile. He knew that he saw this smile somewhere before and it always made him warm.

"...Want to meet my brother?" Grace asked

"I'll be glad to!" Malloy replied

I keep fangirling mah gosh–
Okay, So uh I'll make a introduction later sorry for not making it sooner, I'll make a introduction for the characters!

Angels Of Death - Together Forever [Zack x Ray] Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя