Chapter XXIII👑

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Chapter 23

Kens pov-

The battle was a success which I am very enlightened to know although I did not participate and draw my sword for most of the days. Negative emotions couldn't take over me as all my brothers finished safely... And the other thing on my mind. That letter... From (Y/n), I felt so desperate and eager to see her again quickly.

Me, my brothers and Father entered our home with all the higher ranked slaves, my two sisters and my younger Brother Prince Hyuk. They all smiled but piloted in an orderly and respectful fashion.

"Everything seems to be in place and in order. I may leave you in charge more often Hyuk!" Father patted the young boy allowing him to take the sincere compliment.

"Congratulations." most words were spoken to the King. I stood with my hands behind my back scanning the room for (Y/n). Something felt slightly off but I am most probably being too cautious due to these hard past few weeks.

"Ken. It is a great happiness to have you back." Hyuk smiled at me.

"You aswell, Hyuk. I hope all has been well." I spoke with casual tone hoping he would utter something that I wanted to hear.

"Of course! Some events are obviously more challenging... However, that is what is to be expected correct?"

"Of course my brother! I trust that you have done well."

"Thank you brother..." Hyuk felt shy and excited to hear this coming from me especially. I don't dish out compliments often.

"I see everyone is here to welcome us with peace and gratitude... Even many slaves." My eyes searched around once more, "However I fail to see except one."

"Pardon? One measly slave? Have you memorised who all your slaves are... That takes a lot of dedication!" Hyuk took my words jokingly and chuckled as a response, "I am not aware of who you are questioning about-"



"She is one of my slaves, is she not? Where does she stay?"

"(Y/n)....? Oh (Y/n)! That very rude girl!"

"Rude? How do you mean?" I asked as if y/n has never been rude to me.

"Yes, very. I have never been spoken to in such a way. So in order to avoid the repetition type of behaviour again I taught her a lesson-" 

"What? Which lesson do you speak of? What have you done?" I cut him off needing to know urgently y/n's where about. I suddenly felt anxious of what was left for him to say.

"Why is it such a big deal?" Hyuk gritted his teeth worrying he did something he wasn't supposed to.

I walked towards Hyuk and squeezed his shoulder making it difficult to distinguish my emotion, whether it be proud or the just opposite.

"What punishment did she receive. I am asking once again."


I knocked Hyuk out of my way with my shoulder to speed walk and discover what he has done unknowingly and naively.

End pov-

You slowly closed your eyes hoping to hear anything about Ken at all. Not many sounds reached your ears after all the footsteps finished. The only sense awake was the touch and pain attached to your back.

As you were on the verge of falling into a harmless nap the sound of boots clattered faster than a usual pacing. "Open the doors immediately!" The voice that hadn't even reached the door commanded.

You had your fleshy back facing towards the closed door which a second later was flung open. Everyone stood up, even the nurse and your friend Layla bowing their heads. Your back was faced towards the door meaning you couldn't see who had just stepped into the room. You were also unable to turn over due to your injuries.

"y-y/n...?" his voice spoke so brokenly. You recognised it straight away, you suddenly forgot everything and tried with all your strength to sit up and face him.

"Your Majesty, grace be to Lord that you returned safely!" the nurse helped you sit in such a way in which your back didn't contact anything butt the air.

"(Y/n)... What have they done to you?" Ken completely didn't let a second be focused on himself. His eyes scrolled through every red patch and mark embedded across your shoulders and back. You looked elsewhere not baring to revisit the ugliness of your skin or the embarrassment in front of your Prince.

Kens fingers guided your chin gently towards him. His face had a heavy feeling, no part showed glee nor merriment.
"Tell me. I need to know what happened now."

"Prince... I... tried to defend myself. It caused me great shame and afterward received deeper humiliation and penalty. I... "

"Why!? For what you received a penalty such as this?!"

"I..." you tried to bring yourself to say that not only you were framed but you were a defenceless victim.

"Some girls... They attacked me during my sleep..." You sniffed your tear getting a grip of yourself. You directed Kens eyes to the three lines across your shaking hand.

"I-I told Prince Hyuk, I cried for help... But he did not believe me. He did not believe me." You broke down vulnerably in front of Prince Ken not know what else to do. The rim of Ken's eyes soaked, he quickly rubbed his eyes and stood up without him replying. He left the room independently slamming the door behind him.

Ken flounced enragedly through the same direction he came from before speaking with his weasly brother Hyuk.

"Hyuk. Stand before me forthwithly. Right at this moment, I am near to losing my temper." Ken called him out standing controlling his anger.

"Why are you raising your voice?" Hyuk stutters into sight fearing the actions he's committed.

"What have you done? Tell me what went through your head to harm her or even allow someone to lay a finger on her."

"I-I don't understand what you mean?"

"You have marked her skin permanently... Over lies that you believed, how dare you!? Do you know who she is? Do you know who I AM?"

Hyuk's eyes followed the ground as he couldn't bare to look into his elder brothers disappointed and roaring eyes. "Ken... She is just a slave... Why are you openly shaming me, maybe I went a little over board but stop it here. She is nothing but a mere slave..."

Author's Note:

Omg I actually took forever to write this wtf. I know where this book is going and alot of shit is gonna happen, believe me. I just need to find time urghhh. Thank you if you're still reading this book!!! LOVE YOU GUYS❤️❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2020 ⏰

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