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Chan's POV 

Chan woke up with a severe headache and a man sleeping beside him on his bed "Hyunjin WTF you're doing on my bed get out. You sleepy head wake up" I poured water on him "what the shit, it's so cold, wait why you are next to me" "I should be asking that" "I was in my office but someone put something on my nose" "Oh yes I was in hospital, OMG let's go to the hospital quickly" I hope both are safe. Did someone kidnap them?. Please be okay.

"Nurse where's the patient who was in ward no.49?" "Sir she was discharged before like 2hrs ago" "Where's the baby?" "She took him too" "she was with someone else?" "No sir I didn't see anybody" "She just woke today and why the hell did you discharge her?" "Sir it's not my job, Doctor discharged her" "Where's the fucking doctor" "She left for Japan" 

"Chan do you think the same I'm thinking right now?" "Hell yeah she just left with Felix, but how did she was at two places at the same time?" "Did someone helps her?" "I guess, but who?" "She never had anyone except for Chae" "No it can't be Chae because she is still in maternal room with Jeongin" "You mean your son?" "HAHA he is" "Let's check her in hers penthouse?" "No she won't be there, she never hides in the same place" "Then let's go to the airport and check"

"Hello miss can we know a person with this ID took a flight 2hr ago?" "Sorry sir, We are not allowed to share a customers' privacy" "I'll pay you, let me look into every passenger left before 2hrs ago" Me and Hyunjin was crazily searching for more than an hour. "Chan there's no one called Y/N" "I have a friend in FCID, let's check whether she is still in Seoul" "Hello dude" "Binnie I need a help, my wife and child went missing before 3hrs ago, please check all the CCTV in Seoul I'll pay any amount you need" "Where was she while going missing?" "In the hospital" "Give me 30mins Chan I'll make a call to you" 

If Chan knew he is asking help from the same person who help Y/N to escape with ease under everyone's nose.

Chan you'll never find your wife and child that's my promise for taking Y/N away from me. You know what Chan I have cleaned all the evidences after all I'm the head FCID. What a shame you couldn't protect that two gems.

Chan's phone was ringing "Hello Chang bin did you find her" "Yes, she was with another man and the vehicle is not licensed. So we couldn't track, and they went missing after entering the tunnel" "Another man?" "She probably eloped with someone, maybe you were not giving what she needs, You know these days women are so needy" "Stop your nonsense, she is not that kind of person" "Anyway my job is done byeh"

 So we couldn't track, and they went missing after entering the tunnel" "Another man?" "She probably eloped with someone, maybe you were not giving what she needs, You know these days women are so needy" "Stop your nonsense, she is not that kind o...

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Hwang's Mansion before 3hrs,

"Mr. Hwang what do I have to cook for sir and Y/N? Is MR. Bang will be here too?" "Y/N, she came?" "Yes she was here before 10mins" "Oh NO she may have heard me" "Sir are you okay? You're sweating" "I'm fine"

Mr. Hwang couldn't reach Y/N, Hyunjin or Chan.

3rd Person's POV

Y/N was having a hard time raising Felix all alone in an unknown country. She was working under Kim's company which pays only to take care of Felix and her needs. To pay rent and other bills she had to do part-time jobs too, and she had to pay Felix baby sitter too.

After 4 Years,

Felix was in kindergarten and they were economical stable. But not until.

"Felix standup and say your father's and mother's name" Baby Felix was so confused because he never met his father, when he asked for father his mother always say I'm your mother and father both. " T-eacher I  have my mother only, and she is my father too" "FELIX what nonsense are you talking?" "Is your father dead?" "I never met my father" another child shouts "Your mother is a bad women like my aunt" "Class be silent" "Felix you and your mother are a bad examples for the other kids, so please ask your mother not bring you here again" "Teacher why" Felix was crying, but teacher didn't care for the poor kid. "Felix you are mistake for sure that's why you don't have a father and your mother is a bad woman" Felix mind was too small to process all the things happening around him. He left the class room crying, and end up bumping into a man "Little one where are you going?" Felix was raising his head with glossy eyes. Felix thought my mother say tall ones are giraffes, so he is a giraffe too. "O cutie why are you crying" Felix starts to giggle seeing the giraffe infront of him "You are giggling?" "Hi mister giraffe" "Giraffe? No baby I'm woo jin" Woo jin lift him up and took him to cafeteria and make him sat on his lap. "Baby why were you crying?" "Teacher asked me not to come school again" "Why? did you hit your friend?" "No she said I'm a mistake and my mother is a bad woman and I'm bad news for other kids" "Teacher said so?" "HmPH" "Who's your teacher" "Ms. Helen" "Is your mother coming to pick you?" "Yeah" last bell rang "Cutie I need to pick my cousins daughter will you be okay staying alone" "Yes, good uncle" Woo jin kissed his cheek and placed him down "Byeh uncle" "byeh cutie". 


I was late today my baby should  be waiting for me. "Felix baby, come here" he came crying and I quickly pick him and hugged his small body against mine. "Mommy are you a bad woman? Am I a mistake? Where's my father?" "Baby where did you learn all of these stuff" "Teacher told me not to come from tomorrow" 

Y/N was so shocked how to answer his son. "Baby you are not a mistake we made you with love, but I can't explain anything now you are too small for all of this" "No I need to know now" "I won't be able to see girlfriend because of you" Felix was becoming a brat. Y/N was crazy. She was loosing her mind. She speeds up the car and stop near the bridge. Y/N carry the baby in her arm and get onto the bridge "Baby I did everything because of you. Remember I'll always love you" "Mom you are scaring me, I'm scared of water please take me from here" "Shu baby everything is going to be ok after we jump into the water, trust your mom" She tightened the grip around Felix with her right hand and was about to jump. She felt someone was dragging her from the left hand, she opened her eyes to see Felix, and she was pressed against a hard chest and embarrassing from his hands protectively. Felix suddenly shout "Good uncle" "Hi baby" That man took Felix from her hand and kissed him all over his face "What do you think you are doing" "I--" Y/N end up crying "I don't know what took over me" "I know what happen, I met Felix earlier and that teacher is suspended from the school you don't have to worry anymore" "Thank you" "Woo jin, Kim Woo jin" "Are you the CEO of Kim's company?" "Yeah" "I'm a co-worker there" "O my wife is in charge of coworkers" "Let me take you to my home and I'll ask my driver to take your car" "No sir, I can take care" "Don't be formal we can be friends, my wife will like to see you and little buddy" "Thanks Woo jin" "If you can't take care of Felix give him to us we don't have any kid as my wife is infertile" "He's my life, today I was totally stressed" 

In Korea,

Hyunjin and Chae was married and having a nice family life. They are having two kids Jeongin and Yeji.

Chan was finding for Y/N like a crazy man. He has become a coldhearted person. "Son you should sign the divorce papers and let go of that relationship. She doesn't love you anymore that's why she left only the divorce papers for you. You should move on son we need an heir" "Can you please shut up, all of this because you forced us into a marriage" "We should have fall in love firstly and then a marriage, then everything would have being so smooth. I missed my Felix. He should be grown up" 

Woo jin is finally here!

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Everything begins with an arranged marriage - Bang Chan FF (21+)Where stories live. Discover now