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After all of them arrive at mike and Finns

"TRUTH OR DARE" soph yells and shoves her hand in her bag
"But with a twist" she said as she pulled out 2 bottles of vodka from here bag
"Rules are: dont say the truth take a shot. Don't do the dare take three shots they r the only rules" she says looking around the group

[how they r sitting in the circle
Finn jack to his left. Next to jack is Noah, mike, Sadie, soph, jer, wyatt, Jae, mills, Cho, gaten, Caleb on the other side of Finn]

"I'll go first" Noah volunteers "truth or dare....mike" he says
"Truth" mike says while soph starts pouring some shots
"If u could fuck anyone in this room who would it be" Noah asks with a cheeky smirk
"Mills" he says proudly "okay Finn truth or dare" mike says grinning at Finn
"Dare I'm not a pussy" he replies
"3 shots of vodka for u and 2 for the person to ur left" he say while looking at jack
"Fine" jack says while rolling his eyes and inhaling the vodka like it was nothing
"Truth or dare mills" "dare" she replies instantly
"I dare u to play 7 mins with anyone of ur choice" Finn says. Millie grabs mikes hand and walks to the closet.
For the next 7 mins or so they decided to play uno
When they got out of the closet millie had hickeys on her neck
We gave up on truth or dare and started drinking. Everyone expect Jeremy and chosen got fucken smashed. They got so drunk that Noah and Caleb passed out on the floor, mike was in the bathroom throwing up, gaten was eating, soph Wyatt and jaeden were all dancing but there was no music, Sadie fell asleep during truth or dare and Finn and jack ordered a bunch of food from Uber eats and sat in the middle of the room eating food and making weird sounds.
It was about 4 and the only ppl still awake were Finn and jack
"Jack u awake" Finn tried to whisper but failed
"Yes I am finnie" he replied
"Can I kiss u?" He asks while staring at jack
"Ofc u can fin-" he was cut off by Finns lips on his own. It soon turned into a heated makeout sesh but they both pulled away
"I think we should get some sleep" jack says. Finn agreed and wrapped his arms around jack and pulled him close

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