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Hudson and Greer looked up to see Clara at the door. She said, "I'm sorry. I just had to make sure that everything was okay. I couldn't take sitting out there anymore not knowing."

Hudson told her, "Greer is a little banged up, but our baby is perfect."

Clara said, "Greer, I'm so sorry for the things I did to you. I was a terrible person and you didn't deserve that. I hope some day you can forgive me. Please don't take out the way you feel about me on Hudson. I'm the one to blame for the last five years, not Hudson. I just want to try to get things back to the way they were. I never should have done the things that I did. I want to grow up. I hope the two of you don't give up your baby. You are going to be great parents."

Greer told her, "It's going to take some time, but I would like to get back to things. I don't think I'm going to be able to give my baby away. Today just showed me how important this baby is. I know it is going to make life more difficult, but it is going to be in the best way possible."

Hudson said to Clara, "And I'm going to be there every step of the way. I can't wait to meet this baby. I'm just glad that Clara told me that she heard you last night."

Greer gulped, "You heard me?"

"I did. I couldn't let you go on thinking that H doesn't care about this baby. This baby is going to change all of our ways and I can't wait to meet them."

"H, should we tell her what the baby is?"

"You know!? Please tell me! I want to know what I need to be buying. I can't wait to start spoiling this baby."

Greer and Hudson chuckled. Hudson said, "You are going to have a niece to spoil. We weren't supposed to find out until next week, but they had to do a sonogram when she came in to check on the baby after the accident."

Clara squealed. "Ahh! All the pink and glittery things! H you are going to be such a good girl dad. You have plenty of practice with having tea parties and playing dolls with us growing up."

"I'll do whatever I have to do to make my girl happy. I'm sure she'll have a spell over me like the two of you do. I'm going to be in trouble."

Greer had her hand on her stomach and smiled, "She is going to have you wrapped around your little finger. I can't wait to see it."

"What is her name going to be? Clara said she heard you call the baby by name last night."

Greer blushed. "It doesn't have to be their name. I just had two names that I liked and I could see them being our baby's name. We can always change them if you don't like them. If you want to be involved, I want you to be involved in all of it."

"What did you have in mind?"

"Presley Kate."

"G, I love it. It's perfect!"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes! It's just girly enough. I'm sure she will love it, too."

Clara asked, "When do you get to come home?"

Greer told her, "I have to stay over night to make sure that everything stays alright."

The doctor came in and asked, "Greer, how are you feeling?"

"I'm ready to get out of here."

"Sorry. You are stuck with us for a while longer. I want to still keep you over night to make sure you and that baby are okay. Then when you get home I want you to be on bedrest for a week. Light duty. No strenuous activities whatsoever."


"Two weeks off school. That will give you time to get used to the crutches and maneuvering with your new weight on your good leg."

"Okay. Thank you."

"Not a problem. I really want you to get some rest though."

Hudson told him, "I will make sure of it."

The doctor left them. Then Grace and Ethan came rushing in the room. Grace asked, "Are you okay? Do you need anything? How is my grandbaby?"

Greer's eyes went wide. Hudson said, "I guess I forgot to tell you that I told mom that the baby is mine."

Grace said, "That doesn't matter. I am so excited for this baby. How are you?"

"I'm on bedrest for a week. Off school for two. I have a broken leg, broken arm and some bruised ribs. Baby is strong and perfect."

Hudson told them, "We have new pictures!"

Grace smiled. "Let me see! Let me see!"

Hudson handed the pictures over. He looked at Greer and said, "Presley is already perfect."

Ethan asked, "Wait a minute. Did you just call your baby by name?"

Greer chuckled. "Yes. Presley Kate is going to be here soon. I can't thank you enough for helping me in my time of need. I know I was planning to give her away, but now I just have to keep her. I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry. Grace and I can't wait to meet our granddaughter. I know things are hard, but you are going to have us when you need us. Both you and that baby."

"Thank you. Presley is very lucky to have all of you in her life."

Grace told her, "When you are off bedrest we are going shopping. Presley needs stuff and you need new clothes soon."

"Thank you. I appreciate all of this." Greer yawned.

Hudson said, "You need to get some rest. You and Presley need it."

Greer bit her bottom lip. She really wasn't looking forward to being in the hospital by herself.

Hudson went on to say, "I'm going to sleep on the couch in case you need anything. Clara, can you ride home with mom and dad so we have a car that I can take her home in tomorrow?"

Clara told him, "Sure. Not a problem." Grace, Ethan and Clara soon left.

Greer laid so that she was facing Hudson on the couch. She said, "You really didn't need to stay."

Hudson told her, "You have to be kidding me. I was not about to leave you here alone. I know I couldn't have gone home and stop worrying about you and Presley."

"Thank you for thinking of us."

"All the time. I was so scared this morning. I was so afraid that I was going to lose you or the baby. I'm sorry for the way that I've treated you. I'm going to make up for it."

"You already are. You are here. Thank you for that." Before Hudson could respond again Greer was asleep. He was just happy to see that she was getting some rest.

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