Date Day

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Greer and Hudson were walking through the park. Greer laid her head on Hudson's shoulder as they held hands. Hudson kissed her head and said, "I didn't realize how much I needed this. I really needed some time out with my girl."

Greer looked up at him and said, "I still can't believe it is real."

"You better believe it. I'm never going to let you go again, unless I absolutely have to."

"I hope it never gets to that. Thank you for Presley. I didn't know how much I needed her until she got here."

"I didn't either. We did a pretty good job. Once we can get her sleeping appropriately it will be even better."

Greer chuckled. "I can't fight with you there. But she is too cute for me to be mad about the lack of sleep."

Hudson pulled her into his arms. He asked, "What do you want to do? I'm just happy to have you to myself for a little bit. I never thought I would be jealous of a baby, but here I am."

She rolled her eyes. "Stop it. Our girl is going to be a daddy's girl before you know it. Right now she just likes me because I am her food supply."

"Not true. Lets go see a movie. We can have popcorn while it is still warm and we won't have to pause it for feedings or diaper changes."

"I love it when you use daddy talk on me."

Hudson laughed. "I love it. Now give me back your hand, my lady. Let's go to a movie and gave a quick meal. Then we can get back home to our girl to snuggle with her."

"That sounds perfect. I love you."

Hudson smiled and leaned in for a kiss. "I love you, too. Thank you for giving me another chance. I hope that I can show you that I am here for it all."

"Thank you. I can't wait to see where everything takes us."

The two of them went on with their date day.

Hudson and Greer both got in the house and simultaneously said, "Let me have my baby."

Hudson said, "Okay. Rock paper scissors for her. Two out of three wins."

Clara and Grace were laughing. Greer rolled her eyes and asked, "What are you 12?"

"No. I'm just a daddy that missed his princess today."

"I hate to break it to you, daddy, but it's time for our girl's next feeding. Momma wins this one."

"It's not my fault that I can't produce her food and I just want to love on her."

"Dude, there will be plenty of time for that. I just have to feed her before she stops being cute and turns into a demon."

"My girl will never be a demon. She's too perfect for that."

Presley started to whine in Clara's arms. Greer took her in her arms and said, "Hi baby girl. We missed you today. Lets go fill up your belly so that you can spend some time with daddy. I think he may hurt me if I keep you from him too long."

Hudson came over and kissed her head, "Hey sweet girl. You go with momma and I will be in to see you both soon."

Greer got on her tiptoes and kissed Hudson before going back to her bedroom.

Grace asked, "Did the two of you have a good day?"

"Yes. Thank you for watching her for us. It was nice to have some time for just the two of us. To just focus on us again. Don't get me wrong. I love our girl."

"Oh, I know. You wouldn't have text me five times to check on her if you didn't. You needed a day to breathe and be a kid again. You start college classes next month. You have a baby that a month and a half old. Life is going by so fast. Sometimes you just need a day to go out and not worry about being a dad."

"Thanks, mom. I'm going to go take Greer a bottle of water and love on my girls."

"H, I don't tell you how proud of you I am. I'm so proud of the man you are becoming. How much you love that sweet girl and her momma. The three of you are the cutest little family I have seen for quite some time."

"Thanks for all the help, mom. I promise we won't stay here too long."

"Stop right there. We love having you here. I know it's been tough and its going to get harder. I'm glad that we can be here to help you get Presley on a schedule before you start school."

"I am glad you are here, too. Thanks again."

"Any time. Go check on Greer. Make sure she doesn't need anything. I know you want to get back there to Presley anyway."

Hudson smiled and went back to his girls.

Clara told her mom, "I'm willing to bet that they will be engaged by Christmas."

Grace smiled and said, "If it even takes that long. I can't say that I would be disappointed. Greer is good for your brother and they are good together for that little girl. Presley was just what we all needed that we didn't realize."

"Definitely. I am looking forward to all the years ahead that I have to spoil her. I just hope that Greer and Hudson can make it work."

"So do I. It's not going to be easy." The two of them went on to work on what else they had planned for the evening.

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