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Minato looked down at the files he had just received from his wife Kushina. After Minato had scanned over the papers he called for his wife. "Whats up? " she said giving her husband a questioning look. "What do you think about this?" he asked handing her the files. She let out a soft 'gasp' when she read the assignment.

                                                                      Sasuke Uchiha

Age: 7

Assignment: This boy needs a friend to help him continue the right path and not  give into the darkness that could consume him if he becomes to focused on getting revenge for what happened to his family. He needs someone who will bring him back when everyone else thinks he's to far gone. - Jiraiya

"I know you might not agree but i think Naruto is the best choice for this." He said watching his wife's expression closely.  Kushina stared at the paper for a minuet before responding. "Your right Naruto is the best option for this assignment." she said handing her husband the files back. "I'll go get him" she said before turning around and leaving to go find their son. Minato went back to scanning over the other files he'd revived today. He was just about to get up and look for Kushina and Naruto when he heard someone knock on his office door. "Come in." he said leaning back in his chair. He watched as his wife and son entered the room. "Naruto we have a very important mission for you okay?" he said standing up and walking around his desk so he could stand in front of his son. Naruto was only seven but he had been on a few missions before even though he was still a young guardian angel. Kushina squatted next to her husband and took Naruto's hands in her own. "Naruto sweetie we need you to keep Sasuke Uchiha from trying to get revenge for what happened to his family. You have to try and bring him back even if it seems like hes to far gone." Naruto listened intently to what his mother was saying. "So i'll get to make a new friend?" he asked looking in between both of his parents. "yes you'll get to make a new friend." Minato said laughing a little at his sons innocence. "We are going to send you and Kurama to Manhattan tomorrow." He said ruffling his sons hair. "okay!" Naruto  said with his normal toothy grin. "ha, he defiantly got your smile." Kushina said with a laugh. Minato laughed  it was kinda funny how much their son looked like him. "Come on lets call it a day." Kushinia said picking up Naruto and pacing him on her hip. Minato got up and waled to the door making sure to shut everything off before he left.


Naruto's POV.

Yesterday my Parents had told me that Kurama and I would be watching over a boy around my age named Sasuke Uchihia; I feel bad for him, his whole family was murdered except him and his older brother. I couldn't even imagine what that must feel like to loose almost everyone you love. Anyway Kurama and I are about to leave.  "Are you ready for this?' my father asks looking over at me. "Yep!" I replied. "me and your mother wont be able to come with you on this assignment but we've made sure someone will look after you. An old student of mine his names Kakashi he'll know who you are so don't worry." He said, he also told me to be careful and not tell anyone that i'm a guardian  angel to them i'm  just another human. After saying my goodbyes i was sent to Manhattan to find Sasuke. I ended up landing outside of what looked to be a restaurant; The neon yellow sign read 'ichiraku ramen shop'. A small buzzer rung when I opened the door to the small restaurant. "Welcome to Ichiraku!" Someone said as I entered. "What can I get you.." A lady with long brown hair and a white robe said as she walked out of the kitchen. "Your a little young to be out this late in your own." She said as she knelt down in front of me. "How old are you?" She asked looking me over. "I'm Seven!" I said holding up seven fingers. I saw her smile a little bit at my response. "Do you know a man named Kakashi?" I asked after she'd finished looking me over. "Yes actually he comes in here a lot actually! Why?" She asked giving me a questioning look. "My parents told me he I needed to find him." I said nervously bitting my bottom lip. "Okay, well I'll give him a call."
She said standing up and disappearing behind the counter. A few moments later I hear her dialing Kakashi's number into the phone; there was a few seconds of silence before she spoke. "Hello kakashi? Yes, there's a kid here he says his parents told him to find you." She said pausing for a moment, she looked at me before covering up the speaker in the old phone. "What's your name?" She asked sweetly.
"Naruto Uzumaki." I stated, she gave me a slight nod and went back to talking on the phone. "He says his name is Naruto Uzumaki. Mhm I'm sure... ok see you in a minute."  She said before hanging up the phone. "He said he's on his was he should be here in a few minutes. Are you hungry?" She asked.
"A little bit." I said looking down at my feet. "Do you like Ramen?" She asked as she picked he up and sat me on the counter. "Mhm! It's my favorite!" I said almost falling backward into the sink. "Woah be careful!" She said catching me before I fell. I pulled my legs up on the counter so I could sit with my legs crossed, a couple of minutes later I had a fresh bowl of Ramen in my lap.  I quickly slurped up the rest of my Ramen and turned around so I could put the bowl in the sink. I heard the buzzer go off signaling someone had entered the restaurant I turned my head slightly and saw a man with platinum hair and a mask that covered most of his face walk in. "Hello Kakashi!" The girl said with a smile. "Hello Ayame.Where's Naruto ?" He asked looking around. "He's right here." Ayame said lifting me up off the counter and onto the floor. "Thank you for calling me." He said looking at her and then me. "Hello Naruto I'm Kakashi." He said smiling behind his mask. "Hello!" I said waving at him. "Are you ready to go?" He asked holding out his hand for me to grab. "Yep!" I said as I grabbed his hand. "Thank you for taking care of him!" He said waving at Ayame. "No problem glad I could help." She said as we exited the restaurant. As soon as we got outside Kakashi picked me up and put me on his back; I dropped my arms  loosely around neck as he carried me to his car.  He took me off his back and placed me in the front seat of his car, he shut the door and walked around and got in the drivers seat.
"Where are we going?" I asked as he started to drive. "We're going to my house you'll be staying with me until you've completed your assignment." He said keeping his eyes on the road. "Oh ok!" I said smiling. Soon I found myself curled up next to the window starting to fall asleep. When I woke up I found myself tucked in bed under the covers. The next few weeks were kinda weird kakashi had to explain that I couldn't talk about my assignment with anyone other than him, I couldn't let anyone know I was a guardian angel, and I couldn't use Kurama's power unless it was absolutely necessary. I also learned that I'd been enrolled in school so I'd be able to blend in with the other kids and become friends with Sasuke.
I studied the boy for a few weeks before actually talking to him but I quickly learned he was not the friendliest person.

————————Seven years later --——————

Naruto's POV.

"It's stupid why does he get all the girls?" Kiba said rolling his eyes as he watched all the girls fangirl over the raven. "I have absolutely No clue." I said as I leaned back in my chair.
"I mean damn he's not that good looking and he's an ass." He said furrowing his brows. "Calm down dude" I said patting his back. Kiba and I have been best friends since fourth grade, we'd met on the swing set. I was sitting by myself on one of the swings when he'd asked me if I wanted to be friends. Ever since that day we've been inseparable; Kiba wasn't really a ladies man but he had a few girls who liked him. I myself had my own little fan base but it was nothing compared to the Sasuke. Almost every girl who saw him immediately fell head over heals for him. They were to blinded by there 'love' for him to notice he couldn't care less about them. It was kinda funny actually watching all these girl try and get his attention with all the flowers, and gifts. When I first met Sasuke he was a quite kid he still is he doesn't really talk to anyone, but over the years we've become rivals. Honestly I think he's the only reason I try so damn hard at everything I can't let him beat me. I still remember why I was sent here, which was to protect him but a little rivalry can't hurt. Honestly we have a love hate relationship we've helped each other out countless times but we've also had our fair share of injuries due to each other. I was snapped out of my thoughts when the bell rang for sixth period. "Finally!" Kiba sighed with relief Kiba hated Mr. Guy's class. "That guy always babbles about the 'power of you' it's so annoying" Kiba said rolling his eyes. I just shrugged. "It's not that bad you just hate the class." I said shaking my head. "True but still." He said laughing. "Hey you wanna hang out after school?" Kina asked as we walked down the hallway to our next class. "Sorry I can't dude I gotta study for all these tests." I said with a frown. "Naruto Uzumaki- studding?! Since when?" He joked. "Since I had an F in biology" I said a little annoyed because I had A's in all my other classes but Grandma Tsunade just had to give me the test when i'd been out for a week because Kakashi had gotten the flu. Kiba just laughed. "Bro you'll be fine you've aced everything else." He said with a smile. "True but that still doesn't change the fact I have an F" I said sitting down in my desk. Kiba just sighed and sat down next to me. "Hope you guys are ready to take notes." Mr.Iruka said as he walked into the room. Everyone groaned and pulled out there laptops so they could take notes. I quietly pulled out my laptop and started to copy the notes that were now on the board. By the end of class I had a good three pages of notes plus a page of vocabulary. "Okay class tomorrow I'll assign you groups so you can do your project!" He said before dismissing us. I quickly packed up my stuff and walked through the hallways. Kiba and I walked to Ichiraku's before splitting paths, we both lived a few miles away from the small restaurant so we usually met there. "Bye Kiba see you tomorrow!" I said heading the home. Normally the walk home seemed like forever but for some reason it went by pretty fast today. I unlocked the door with my house key and dropped my bag at the front door. "How was school?" Kakashi asked from the couch, he was reading that stupid book of his like always. "Boring as usual." I said as made myself a bowl of Ramen. "How was work?" I asked, Kakashi worked for the NYPD.
"Today was a calmer day than most." He said flipping to the next page in his book. "That's good." I said knowing how busy things can get. "What's for dinner?" I said looking at him from the kitchen. "You just at Ramen and your already asking for dinner?" He said laughing. "I'm probably gonna order some pizza. Is that good with you? " He asked looking back at me. "Yeah that's perfectly fine with me no dishes to clean." I joked. Kakashi set his book down before getting up and heading towards the kitchen. "How was Sasuke today?" He asked leaning on the counter. " His usual grumpy self." I said putting my bowl in the sink. "Have you guys talked much lately?" He asked.
I thought a moment before answering.
"Not really I haven't had time and he's been in one of his moods." I said shrugging, honestly I might message him tonight to see what's up I've noticed he's been skipping a few classes lately. "Well I'm gonna start on homework." I said walking to the front door so I could get my bag. I walked in my room and set my bag down beside my desk and pulled out my biology papers so I could study for tomorrow's test.
I grabbed a pen and started studying.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2019 ⏰

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