It's Not Difficult To Say I Love You

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This is just to entertain myself. I hope this entertain you too.

Enjoy ❤


"Wei Ying, please"

Lan WangJi stands in front of their room. Wei WuXian and his room. He knocks at the door since 5 in the morning. It's been an hour since then but Wei WuXian didn't even care to answer more over to open the door.

Why did he knocks the door? And why did Wei WuXian won't open it?

It begins one month ago. When Lan WangJi's uncle suddenly told him that he will be married to his uncle's forever crush son, Wei WuXian. The trouble maker in Cloud Recesses.


Because his uncle was severely ill he can't lead the clan anymore. Choosing Lan XiRen as the next leader is not an option, he is married to Jin GuanYao, Jin Lintai's crown prince, and followed his husband to live there. Assists Jin GuanYao to lead the clan. He can't monitor both clan in the same time. Moreover Jin Lintai and Cloud Recesses is far from each other.

Why Wei WuXian?

Lan WangJi is a distant but nosy person. He speaks when it necessary and always meddle in everyone's matter as the problem solver. If needed. He didn't have any friends. No, more like he doesn't know how to make friend. He WAS always alone since forever.

Until Wei WuXian happened.

That trouble maker is living his name. He makes trouble every second. Even one word from him can get him a flying fan. And don't ask why is he always at the library writing books up to thousands copies.

He is playful person and seeing how silent and distant Lan WangJi is trigger his guts to always fooling him. Tease him with his cute colorful paperman and his unbelievably beautiful drawings.

Lan WangJi always feels bothered at first by those treats but he is now used to it. Because Wei WuXian doesn't look like he will stop soon. He even now feels bored if there's no Wei WuXian around.

He loooovvees how Wei WuXian's eyes sparkle when he teases. Don't ask about his heart when Wei WuXian smiles widely at him. It beats miraculously fast and he likes it. When Wei WuXian laughs, oh how he loves that sound. He could listen to eat forever.

And his uncle knows it even though Lan WangJi never talk about his feelings. That's why his uncle married him to Wei WuXian.

Actually he doesn't have any candidate for Lan WangJi. Even if he does, Lan WangJi won't live a happy life. And he doesn't want that. He wants Lan WangJi to be happy before his death and he knows that Lan WangJi's happiness is Wei WuXian

So he married them to each other which the leader of Jiang Clan approved happily.

"Wei Ying, can you please open the door. The meeting will begin like in one hour." Lan  WangJi said again followed by series of knocking.

Still no answer.

Lan WangJi sighs and slumps his shoulder.

No, he doesn't feel tired standing there even hours more. He loves Wei WuXian with all his life. No way he will feel tired with just standing for an hour. He is just...Afraid.

He loves Wei WuXian, YES. but he knows that Wei WuXian doesn't love him back. He doesn't hate that, NO. He is afraid Wei WuXian won't be happy which is fact. He doesn't look happy since the news told to him. He is afraid Wei WuXian will feel pressured and obligated to love him back.

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