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The italic section in this one isn't Patrick remembering, it's just the flashback. I wanted to explain something so I did a flashback.

Noncompliance was the least of the doctor's concerns by the next week. Summer is nearly over, which means Pete has to go back to school.

He's a senior, which means his classes end early. But not early enough to make it to all of Patrick's sessions. For two weeks leading up to school, Pete told Patrick every single day that he wouldn't be able to stay for most nights now.

Patrick took it hard. He pouted and tried convincing Pete to stay. When he realized that wouldn't work, he'd make Pete promise that they'd still see each other every day.

Pete could promise him that.

It was a shift in Patrick's schedule.  They started by making Patrick go to sessions alone. His memory wasn't as good, not as good as if Pete was there to repeat words or make connections that spark in Patrick's brain. But it's better to start early.

When school did start, Pete struggled to think about anything that wasn't Patrick.  His fingers itched every class period to check his phone for updates. Anytime someone asked about his summer, he only spoke about Patrick. 

The blonde's name is forever engraved on his tongue.

And it seems like Patrick's having the same problem.

"Where's Pete?" Patrick frowns, spotting the canvas against his closet door.

He keeps the painting right there at all times. It's never to be touched or moved.  He doesn't remember why.


"I don't want to forget you anymore," Patrick whispers.

"It's okay," Pete offers a smile. "I'll make sure you never do."

Patrick drops his head to Pete's chest, eyes glancing around his room. His closet door is still ajar from when he put his clothes away, and he can spot his rows of canvases inside.

"I have an idea!" Patrick springs from the sheets, scrambling to rummage through his paintings.

"Let's hear it," Pete sits up, watching Patrick pull out the painting of him.

"I'll keep this right here," Patrick closes the door and leans the canvas against it. "That way, I'll see your face and name every single time I go to get dressed."

Pete grins. "That's really smart, Patrick."

Patrick bounces back to the bed, throwing his arms around Pete's shoulders. "I won't forget you anymore."


Patrick picks up the painting, gently moving it aside so he can grab his clothes. Once his arms are full of fabric, he moves the painting back.

"Where's Pete, mom?" Patrick asks again.

His parents stand from the couch. "He's at school."

"How long will he be there?"

"Until one. He's going to try and get here by two."

"Two?" Patrick frowns, looking at the clock. "That's going to take forever."

"Sorry, buddy," His dad shrugs. "He's got to learn just like you."

"Is he doing what I'm doing?" Patrick perks up. "Why can't he just do it here with me?"

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