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˗ˏˋ soft ; in which eddie and bev have monthly sleepovers

word count ; 729

EDDIE AND bev had always been best friends, they would have sleepovers and exchange secrets under fluffy patterned blankets, safe in the hands of each other and the darkness of the night - they would tell each other anything. and that's why it wasn't surprising when bev admitted that she had feelings for another girl at one am, on that warm summers night.

eddie's watched bev with wide eyes as she tucked a growing red curl behind her ear, her cheeks burning furiously - almost bright enough to match the ginger locks that tumbled down from her head. eddie was surpised, but he couldn't help but feel relieved. bev liked girls, and she was okay with that. which meant that she wouldn't toss eddie aside when he admitted his feelings for their shared friend richie. richie tozier.

perfect richie with his oversized glasses which magnified his pretty eyes and the dark messy curls that fell into his face. perfect richie with his stupid jokes and attempts at accents that eddie pretended to hate. perfect richie with his floral shirts and too-tight shorts. perfect richie.

"say something, eds. say anything... please." bev pleaded, desperation lacing her voice as she took eddie's hand in her own dainty hand, nervously fiddling with his fingers. eddie smiled at his best friend, before embracing her. he wrapped his arms around her, fingers laced behind her neck, his small petite frame pressed against her chest. bev smiled into him, the comforting aroma of cough syrup and honey entering her system, her nerves relaxed instantly. eddie was okay with it.

the two held each other for a few moments, and bev let a few salty tears fall down her freckle splattered cheeks "that doesn't change a thing, bev." eddie finally whispered, leaning away from his friend and moving back, his hands fallling into his hands.

she watched eddie carefully, confused as to why he was so nervous - before it clicked. most of the losers were aware of richie and eddie's relationships. they had noticed the lingering stares and blushes probably before the two boys did. they had to deal with richie and his overprotectiveness. afterall, they were the ones having to drag richie out of fights whenever bowers said one bad word about his sweet eddie. "something you wanna tell me, eds?" bev asked, smiling as a bubblegum pink tint covered his cheeks.

"richie." the name fell from his tongue perfectly, as if it was made just to be spoken by eddie- and maybe it was. bev just smiled, nodding and bringing her knees to her chest as she patiently awaited the realisation of his confession to hit him. "oh god, bev. i think i'm in love with richie. how do you know if you're in love? because all i ever think about is kissing his stupid lips, and holding his hand which he most definitly doesn't wash enough- but that doesn't matter to me because-"

bev just smiled, interupting him "because it's him. it's always been him, eds" eddie looked at her, bewildered as to how she knew and understood what he was talking about "it's obvious... you should see the way he looks at you, and the way you look at him. it always feels like the losers are third wheeling." she giggled to herself, eddie raised an eyebrow.

he hugged his teddy bear to his chest, scrunching his nose up at the thought of his best friends knowing about his feelings towards a certain curly haired boy before he did. it wasn't as if eddie didn't notice the giggles that erupted from their friends when the two boys exchanged a certain look, when eddie insisted on sitting on richie's lap or when richie sacrificed his walkman cassette player to the smaller boy whenever he was upset - something he did for nobody but eds. his sweet little eds.

bev held the packet of gummy bears towards eds, smiling as he leaned forwards to dip his small hand into the plastic. he smiled at her before leaning back and pulling the blanket up to his chest "who's the lucky lady then, bev?" he questioned, giggling to himself as her cheeks flushed once again. he popped a gummy into his mouth and chewed quietly, awaiting a reply.

bev smiled, shaking her head and leaning closer to eddie, ready to share the insights of her newly developed crush.

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