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˗ˏˋsoft ; fluff ; in which stan is an angel

word count ; 641

STANLEY URIS was an angel. no really, he was an actual angel. bill denbrough's own personal angel.

each angel had a designated human – they grew together, sometimes becoming close. other times they would grow to dislike each other. angels were there to guide them, to treasure and cherish them. to keep them safe. and that's exactly what stan did.

bill and stan had grown very close over their years together. they spent every moment possible together.

bill saw stan for the first time when he was about five. stan was five too, they were both kids. stan was incredibly shy, he didn't want to talk to bill at all and on some days his anxiety got to him so badly that his stutter would be just as prominent as bill's.

bill was in kindergarten, and a kid named richie had taken the plastic fire truck you from his hands. when bill asked politely for it back, richie told him to "ask your mum for it back." as you can imagine, bill didn't like this.he was going to hit him, until stan showed up and weakly begged him not to.

and now the two were seventeen. they had exchanged many kisses and touches. twelve years on, they were still just as inseparable.

they grew together. stan was there with him for every tear, for every smile, for every friendship and for every enemy.

every afternoon after school, bill would run upstairs– excited to see stan again.

this time when bill arrived home, stan was asleep. he was curled up on bill's bed, a soft white blanket draped over the fair skin of his long and thin legs. bill's heart sped up at the sight of him. he was just so pretty. his light curls fell over his closed eyes, and his pink lips were slightly parted. bill's eyes hovered over the fluffy wings that grew from his back. stan was shirtless, and therefore material wasn't restricting the beauty.

the fluffy pure white feathers folded over his back, moving gently with each breath that he took. they curled delicately under each other, pressing against his pale skin.

bill quietly closed the door, in an attempt to not awaken the precious boy under the fluffy blankets. he placed his rucksack onto the floor and pulled his shirt over his head, before snuggling up besides stan.

he couldn't help but watch the boy, the way his long eyelashes pressed against his skin, the way his chest gently rose and fell with each breath he took. bill was certain he could examine his beauty for the rest of eternity.

"you're staring." stan's voice came out in a whisper, his eyes fluttering open with the soft words. bill smiled, his lips curling upwards as he happily gazed into the angels eyes.

bill shrugged a little, the grin still plastered across his lips "h-how could i not?" he questioned, laughing quietly to himself when he noticed the way stan's cheeks seemed to immediately flush pink. he hid his face, burying his head into the fluffy blanket so all bill could see was of him was his soft curls.

his wings seemed to curl around his body, as if he was playfully protecting himself from bill's gaze. "hey! tha-that's not fair, stan!" his lips formed into a pout as he listened to the enormous amount of giggles erupting from stan's chest. "le-let me see your pr-pretty face, baby."

stan eventually gave in, leaning back and meeting bill's eyes with his own. he reached his arms out for bill, and allowed him to pull him closer to his chest. his arms wrapped loosely around his delicate waist "i love you." stan smiled, gazing at his face with a look full of admiration and content plastered across his features.

"i love you too." he didn't stutter once.

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