Chapter 9

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The next morning you woke up feeling sore and achy. Your head was pounding and the cut on your head didn't help. One of the girls suggested you take a hot shower, so you grabbed a clean uniform from your trunk and walked down to the bathroom the girls shared, and took a nice hot shower. The warm water did wonders to your sore muscles, and you felt loads better when you climbed out!

Cedric was waiting for you in the common room when you came downstairs, and you plopped down into an armchair with a deep sigh as he walked over to you. "How are you feeling?" he asked quietly.

"Good, considering I was attacked by a troll twelve hours ago!" you laughed. He chuckled and ruffled your hair playfully. You swatted his hand away and hopped up from the chair as everyone began heading down to the Great Hall for breakfast. You and Cedric talked about the troll incident again while you walked down. It still unnerved him at how easily the Troll had gotten in. "If Harry and Ron hadn't been there, you could have gotten really injured! Or worse!" he said.

"I know; I owe them a big thanks for that. How did you all know about the troll though?"

"Prof. Quirrell came in screaming at the top of his lungs that there was a troll in the dungeons, then fainted!"

"Odd, Hermione and I were nowhere near the dungeons when it attacked us!"

"That is a bit strange, you're right."

You two sat down at your table in your usual spots in silence as the rest of the school chatted noisily about the events from last night, as well as an upcoming Quidditch tournament later that day. Of course you were going to see it, Harry was competing in it, and the rest of the school was going to watch it so why not go? When Breakfast was over, you told Cedric to go on without you when you noticed Draco making his way towards where you were standing. "Draco! What's wrong?" you asked when you saw his worried expression.

"I heard about what happened! Are you alright?" he asked, taking your face in his hands and gently turning it this way and that to make sure you were okay. Butterflies fluttered in your stomach from the sudden contact, but you ignored them.

"Oh, yes I'm fine! Just tired and sore is all," you smiled. His silver eyes become dark when he saw your cut, however. He gingerly touched it with one finger, and you winced. "Sorry," he said, pulling his hand away.

"It's fine! I'm going to get it checked out by Madam Pompfrey though, to make sure it doesn't get worse."

"I can walk you there if you want!"

Your cheeks turned a light shade of pink, "Yeah, I'd like that!"

Draco smiled and lead the way to the infirmary, occasionally shooting dark looks to the cut on your head. The infirmary was empty when you arrived, and Madam Pompfrey rushed over as soon as you walked in.

"Is there something wrong?" Madam Pompfrey asked.

"Yes, I was in the bathroom last night when the troll attacked, and I got a bit cut on my head. My friends and I agreed that I should get it checked by you to make sure that it won't get infected or anything."

"I see! Come right this way," she said. You noticed her look at Draco with a slight look of dread but she turned before he could see it. You frowned slightly, but brushed it off. You knew people didn't like him, and you couldn't change that. Madam Pompfrey came back a few moments later with some bandages and some cleaning supplies. She sat you in a nearby chair as she cleaned your cut, and you hissed in pain when she dabbed at it with some alcohol. Tears pricked your eyes and Draco watched worriedly a few feet away. After she was done cleaning it, Madam Pompfrey put the bandage on and sent you both on your way.

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