Chapter 15

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As soon as the doors closed behind Harry, you leapt to your feet and dashed out the door to get help. Once back in Fluffy's room, you quietly opened the trap door and set up a new harp to play music, and the large dog fell fast asleep First, you ran to Prof. McGonagall's room and banged on her door until she opened it, disgruntled and very peeved that someone would be waking her at such an ungodly hour. She remained so until you told her that Ron had gotten injured and that Harry had gone ahead to fight Voldemort on his own so that he wouldn't get the stone. A look of shock and horror filled her thin face and she immediately told you to rouse Madam Pomfrey and get her to help Hermione get Ron up to the infirmary. You nodded and the two of you went separate ways. Madam Pomfrey was just as upset as Prof. McGonagall when you woke her, if not more so, but agreed to help Ron and Hermione while you wrote a note to Dumbledore and took off to the owlery. You found Soren perched with some of the school birds and began quickly tying the note to her leg. "I need you to take this to Dumbledore as fast as you can. It's urgent. Do you understand?"

Soren blinked knowingly at you and you grinned at her. "Good girl, there will be extra treats when you return!" With that, Soren spread her slender wings and flew out of the owelry, tearing through the night sky. You smiled triumphantly, knowing full well how fast she could fly and that your note would get to Dumbledore soon. When Soren could no longer be seen, you dashed back in the school and ran through the halls back to the room where Fluffy still laid asleep. You snuck around his huge form, careful to make sure the new harp you had set up was still playing when you opened the trapdoor and jumped into the darkness. The rest of the obstacles were easy now that you knew how to pass them, and you quickly found yourself back by Hermione's side in the chess room. Ron still lay unconscious, but after Madam Pomfrey checked over him, she said he'd be alright and he'd be awake by morning. You and Hermione both let out a sigh of relief!

"Now, if you two could help me bring him back to the infirmary, that would be most appreciated."

"Wait," you said, stopping her, "Where's Prof. McGonagall?"

"She went in after Harry," Hermione answered. Your eyes widened.

"Is he alright?"

Before anyone could respond, however, the large door in which Harry had disappeared through earlier flew open and Prof. McGonagall strode out, Harry's limp form laying in her arms. "Oh my god," you gasped, and rushed over to her.

"Is he okay? What happened? Where's Vol- he-who-shall-not-be-named?"

"Calm down child," the professor said, and you quieted, though still casting worried glances at Harry's unconscious form.

"He will be fine, fighting with he-who-shall-not-be-named has exhausted him however. He needs rest. Madam Pomfrey?"

"Yes Professor?"

"Would you mind taking care of this one too?"

"Of course not. Come along everyone."

Madam Pomfrey lead you all out of the room and back up to the main part of the school. The infirmary was dimly lit when you entered; the only light source coming from a few torches around the room and the moonlight streaming in from the large windows. When Harry and Ron were properly settled in and your many cuts had been cleaned and taken care of, Madam Pomfrey and Prof. McGonagall sent you and Hermione back to your dorms. "But we want to stay with them!" you protested as Prof. McGonagall began ushering you out.

"We want to make sure they're okay!" Hermione added.

"They are in good hands! Now both of you, off to bed before I assign you detention!"

You sighed in defeat and stalked off to your dorm after saying goodnight to Hermione. Warm light was cast across your common room when you entered, and you immediately knew you had been caught. "What are you doing (y/n)?" Cedric's voice came from behind you.

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