Interlude II

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Author's Note: Before we begin, let me say sorry about how late this update is. I've been working on this chapter ever since I posted the last one, but this took a lot of time to take shape. If it's any consolation, this is a really long chapter so I hope it more than makes up for the lateness. Next, please don't hate on any of the characters in this chapter for anything they might do that you'll find irritating. Remember, this is all coming from Joss' POV, so he doesn't know everything that's going on. I promise that the said characters will also be featured in the next few Interludes so that their reasoning for certain actions will be fully explained. By the way, I think it should go without saying, but just in case it needs clarification - every single conversation and event that happen in this story is pure imagination, unless we've actually witnessed it on camera. And even then, some of the pictures taken can be up for different interpretation. Lastly, thank you so much for all the comments and votes that you've been giving this story. They really do mean a lot to me :)

So, without further ado, I give you:

Interlude II: Joss Wayar's Continued Descent and Inevitable Fall

Now he knew that it was only love

when you knew there could be no end to it.

When it was as inevitable as gravity.

Falling in love,

a helpless descent in which

the only way to avoid being hurt

was to keep going.

Keep falling.


He's officially done with University, and he feels like everything is finally falling into place in his life, just at the right time.

The workshops continue, and so does his integration to the GMMTV community. It's completely unlike what he had in Domundi, nothing worse or better – just something totally different, and it takes some time getting used to. Suddenly, it's no longer all fun and games, as he gets completely thrust into the cutthroat world of the entertainment industry. He gets to meet more of his co-artists, some become his sort of friends, while others – well, let's just say not everyone is happy that a newcomer like him gets to play a lead role that quickly.

He takes it all in stride, he's been in the modeling industry long enough to understand the unspoken rules of competition so he's not affected that much by any of it. He still works with Domundi, and his continued friendship with the boys balances everything out.

What gets him kind of down is the lack of opportunity to interact with a particular someone. If he thought earlier that things were looking up after their coffee non-date, well, he's been disabused of that notion pretty quickly. The announcement of the concert in January, and the surprise special series meant that Singto became busier than ever, and their paths have rarely crossed. The only silver lining to keep him satisfied is the fact that the other man periodically likes his Instagram posts and even comments on some of them. He makes sure to regularly update, anticipating every notification he'll get of a liked post.

Near the end of the month, he gets extremely busy as they begin to shoot for the 3 Will Be Free teaser trailer to be presented to possible sponsors. They also do quick rehearsals on how they will actually be presenting it on that day. He thought for sure that the staff were joking around when the idea was explained to them, but sadly, no – he really needed to act 'live' in front of the audience. He just fervently hopes he doesn't fall flat in his face as part of the script says they have to pretend to run away from gunmen pursuing them. Thankfully, the coat of his prescribed outfit wasn't long enough to get his feet tangled in, even if it made him look like a knock-off Sherlock Holmes.

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