Fool's Gold

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Author's Notes: This comes right after Animal, we're back in Bangkok with Joss' POV. As always, standard disclaimer apply regarding public pictures and private chats.

Fair warning, I don't really think this is my best attempt at writing, but it is what it is, so I hope you guys still enjoy it somewhat.

Please leave your comments and votes :)

If you can't
figure out
where you stand
with someone,
it might be time
to stop standing
and start walking.


He groans loudly, as he tried to bury his head under the pillows, the bright rays of sun penetrating through the blinder's gaps causing pricking pains in his head. He stays like that for what seemed like hours, going in and out of sleep, as he willed his hangover to go away, to no avail.

He hears the door of his bedroom opening gently, and the familiar sound of Boss' feet followed after. His senses alert him to his brother's proximity, and taking a risk, he pulls his head from under the covers.

He is met with Boss' deadpan stare, his brother holding a glass of water in one hand, and two pieces of Tylenol in the other.

He sighs in relief, sitting up slowly as to not aggravate the pounding in his head. Boss hands him the water and pills, both of which he gladly accepted. He quickly gulped them down, and waited for the medicine to take effect, vaguely noting that his brother left his room as quietly as he entered.

When he was feeling more like a human being, he went to his bathroom to take a long, hot shower, washing off yesterday's grime as well as the last effects of alcohol in his system. He brushed his teeth afterwards, looking at his reflection in the mirror –bloodshot eyes, pallid complexion and red nose staring back at him.

When he's done, he slowly moves to the kitchen, taking his phone out of the discarded pair of jeans lying on the floor. He looks at his notifications, and stops short when he sees three missed calls and a bunch of messages, all coming from Singto.

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He checks the time, sees that it's currently around ten in the morning, which means that it's already noon time in Okinawa. He reads all the messages from the other man again, and realizes that Singto sent them while he was busy getting hammered in the bar last night, after Boss' unwanted truth bomb.

He doesn't know how to react to the messages, the usual giddiness he feels whenever he has a conversation with Singto is strangely absent this time.

He wonders if it's the after effects of all the alcohol he consumed, or if it's the recollection of last night's conversation with Boss that is the cause of this peculiar absence.

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