Bad Memories

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Hey guys! BEWARE!!! CHAPTER HAS VIOLENCE IN IT!!!! So anyways, the next chapter will be long hoepfully, But I don't know. Lets just hope for the best! And I am so surprised by how many people have seen this already! Like wow! It really keeps me motivated to continue this story. And I will gladly take any suggestions. Enjoy! 
Sorry this book is old. Rewriting.
It was a few hours after the autobots had discussed the situation with Cyber. Cybers purple optics had opened softly, she had no idea where she was. She soon realized her servos were cuffed next to her helm, she looked around. None of the Autobots noticed she was awake for a few minutes, that was till the mini little femme made a loud squeal. 
"Eeeee!!" The little black and pink haired femme squealed, causing the Autobots to look at Cyber.
By now, Cyber almost had her cuffs off. As the Autobots turned to look at Cyber, she pulled on her cuffs hard causing them to break into a bunch of small pieces. 
Cyber jumped to her feet, she had no idea what was happening. 
"Cyber, calm down. It is I, Optimus Prime". Optimus said trying to calm the frightened femme, it seemed that she recognized Optimus' voice. 
When Cyber looked around her she saw there was a blue and pink femme, a big green guy, a yellow and black scout, a white and orange medic, and there stood Optimus Prime. The Autobots were standing in front of the mini creatures, as if to protect them. Cyber grabbed out her blades when she stood up, she was standing in a defensive stance. 
The sound of Optimus' voice calmed Cyber, then out of no where she felt a terrible pain in her helm. Cyber dropped her two blades, her servos went to her helm as she fell to her knees in pain. 
Optimus ran over to his young sister, the medic also ran over.
"It seems the reboot was not fully complete, she is remembering some memories. Unfortunately, they may not all be good ones. And they are all coming at separate times". Ratchet explained quickly. 
"I'm afraid, there is not much we can do for her". He sighed, he was upset he couldn't help the femme.
Cyber has no idea what is going on, all she truely knows, is that Optimus is here. That her brother is here.
CyberLight is laughing with her best friend, Moonshine. They had been best friends since they were young femmes. The two best friends were having fun with each other, they were sparring with each other. CyberLight was going easy on Moonshine. The both of them were so distracted in their laughter, that they hadn't saw the squad of con's coming toward them. 
When they finally realized the con's it was to late, Moonshine was not the best fighter. A few of the con's grabbed ahold of CyberLight, she was shocked by this.
The cons had grabbed CyberLights arms, she couldn't fight back. A few other con's walked toward Moonshine, she couldn't fight back the con's. They had grabbed her as well.
Decepticon base,
CyberLight woke up with her servos chained above her head, her feat were also chained together. She tried to break free from her restraints, but she couldn't. 
Moonshine was chained the same way as CyberLight, only in front of CyberLight. 
"Cyber, where are we?" Moonshine asked CyberLight. 
Unfortunately, CyberLight knew Exactly where they were. 
"The Decepticon base," she answered her best friend, whos optic now went wide. 
Then the door opened and the one and only, Megatron had arrived.
He walked over to CyberLight, "Hello, sister." Megatron greeted CyberLight. CyberLight stayed quiet.
"And you must be her best friend, Moonshine". He turned to Moonshine, "maybe, you will speak to me if I give you a little...encouragment," he said evilishly. 
CyberLights blue optics went wide. Then, the next thing she heard was her best friends screams of pain. 
CyberLight still stayed quiet, as much as it pained her. 
She remained quiet, until she could hardly take it anymore. 
"Fine!!! What do you Want!?" CyberLight yelled out, she couldn't stand hearing her bestfriends screams anymore. 
Then Moonshines screams faded away, CyberLight had tears in her optics. She felt terrible having to make her best friend go through that. 
CyberLight felt her helm be raised, she was now looking into Megatrons deadly red optics. 
"I knew you would give out," he chuckled, that had just made CyberLight more angry. 
"What do you want Megatron?" CyberLight asked Megatron, obviously annoyed at him. 
"Where is Optimus Prime?" He asked, or well demanded. 
CyberLights optics widened, she was screwed. There was no way she could tell Megatron where Optimus was.
But, if she didnt then Moonshine would get hurt. 
Megatron had backed up, "Where is Optimus Prime?" He repeated his question once more.
CyberLight hesitated, but then she could hear Moonshines screams again. CyberLight had to watch as Megatron tortured her best friend. 
"Five, two, six, seven, three". CyberLight mumbled with her helm down. 
Moonshines screams once more disappeared, "what was that Cyber?" He asked her to repeat I again.
"Five, two, six, seven, three," she said clearer, but unhappy. 
"Soundwave! Locate the cordnnates. Find the Autobots base". Megatron ordered Soundwave.
"If, you lied. Let's just say it won't be fun for either of you two". He said as he left.
CyberLight had failed not only Optimus, but her best friend. And herself. CyberLight cried. Moonshine was now unconscious. 
After a few hours,
Megatron reentered the room, he walked over to CyberLight. By now Moonshine had awaken. 
"I am surprised Cyber, I was so sure you had lied. I guess I doubted your friendship to much". Megatron spoke honestly.
"Oh, and I'll tell Optimus you said hi". He smirked before he left the room. 
Megatron and Optimus,
"Megatron! How did you find us?" Optimus asked couriously.
"Well, I have a new source of Information. And I would like to tell you that, Cyber says hi". At that last comment Optimus' optics went wide, 
"Do not worry Optimus, I won't hurt our dear little sister. But, I can't say the same for her friend". Megatron continued.
"What was her name again? Moonshine?" Megatron pretended to forget. 
"No the matter, she will soon lose her spark. As will Cyber. Now, I really must be going. I'll make sure to tell her you said hi". Megatron smirked evily. 
Back at the Decepticon base,
CyberLight nearly had the restraints on her servos off, that was until Megatron walked in. He almost caught her.
"Optimus says hi," that was the first thing Megatron said to the femme. 
CyberLight frowned at Megatron, then out of nowhere. CyberLight felt so much pain throughout her body. (And yes this is how she got over the small pain, from Megatron) 
This went on for a while, CyberLight continues to refuse to speak. Because of that, she gets pain sent throughout her whole body until she speaks. 
"*Sigh* Cyber, I will ask you one more time. And you had better answer, TRUTHFULLY." Megatron warned her. When she answered with a lie, Megatron caused her a lot of pain. 
CyberLights whole body was sore, and she was tired. She didn't know how much more pain she could take. 
"Where is Earth?" Megatron asked CyberLight impatiently. 
CyberLight looked at Moonshine, who shook her head at CyberLight telling her not to tell him.
CyberLight, knew if she didn't tell Megatron, he would hurt Moonshine. And she cant let that happen.
"*******," she answered. 
Megatron smirked. He was planning something, something bad. 
Megatron took out his dark sword, CyberLight knew exactly what was about to happen. 
CyberLight struggled against the chains holding her servos above her. 
Megatron walked over to Moonshine, she told CyberLight to continue good, and forever remember her. 
"Megatron, please dont! I'll do anything! Please!" CyberLight begged for her older brother not to take away her best friend. 
Then, Megatrons dark sword has gone straight through Moonshines spark. And she went offline.
CyberLight let her helm hang down as tears streamed down her helm. She cried. Her older brother just killed her best friend, right in front of her. She felt empty. Alone. Scared.
Then Optimus broke through the door, he saw Moonshine. He felt terrible. He fought off Megatron, and he freed CyberLight from her restraints. He carried her in his arms, he fled the base. CyberLight crying the whole time into his chest.
Cyber had woke up, she was on a medical table. She was breathing heavy, Ratchet was saying something to her but she couldn't hear him. All she could hear was the screams of her best friend. 
The Autobots walked into the base to Ratchet trying to snap Cyber out of her thoughts. They all walked over. 
"Hey Ratchet, what's going on?" Arcee asked the medic.
"She had just awaken, she had a memory. I'm guessing by the way she's acting, it wasn't a good one". Ratchet informed the other bots. 
The Autobots exchanged sad looks at each other. 
Optimus walked over and kneeled down to Cyber. He put his servo on her shoulder, then the unexpected happened.
She fell into his arms and cried into his chest. Optimus held her tight, he felt terrible for not being there for her when she was captive with Megatron. 
"Moonshine..." She silently said her best friends name while crying. 
"Moonshine? Whos that?" Bulk head asked.
"Moonshine is, or was her best friend. Moonshine and Cyber were both captured by Megatron. He did awful things to Moonshine, and she watched it all. Then, when Cyber told him what he wanted. He killed Moonshine right in front of Cyber". Ratchet explained
"CyberLight was still so young at the time, I cant believe Megatron would do such a thing to his own sister." Arcee added. 
Optimus was crouched down, and Cyber was crying in his arms. It was terrible what Megatron had done. But, you thought this one was bad? Oh, No,No,No,No. You haven't read NOTHIN.
The next day,
Cyber was still recovering from the last memory, she missed Moonshine. She wished she had done something to help her. 
Cyber had stopped resting, whenever she closes her eyes she sees Moonshines offline body. 
It was a few days later,
Cyber was broken, she stopped talking. And the only person she would even stand by, was Optimus. She felt safe around him, she felt as if Megatron couldn't get to her if she stayed by Optimus. 
But now, Optimus is leaving for a mission with Arcee. They have to explore the article area, which was very dangerous. 
And to be honest, Cyber totally ships Optimus with Arcee!
Cyber felt cautious, without Optimus she didn't know what she was gonna do. 
Before Optimus left with Arcee, Cyber ran over to Optimus. She grabbed onto him as he hugged her, she didn't want him to leave and he knew it. But he had a mission to do, and he would return quickly.
"Do you have to go?" Cyber asked Optimus looking into his blue optics. 
Optimus sighed, "I am afraid so, but I will return soon," he reassured her.
Optimus knew it didn't make her feel any better, "Cyber, you can trust these bots. I would trust them with my life anyday, you are safe here". That made Cyber feel a bit better, she knew if Optimus trusted them then she will be okay. 
Cyber nodded her helm, then she back away from Optimus and Arcee. She watched as they had left through the ground bridge. 
She wanted so bad to just call out for Optimus and beg of him to come back, but he had a mission. 
The power went out for a second, which scared me. Then, a bunch of bad stuff started happening. 
Raf, walked over holding, wait for it, a "SCRAPLETT!!!!!" Bulkhead shouted. They must have been what was in that little ship thing. A trap. 
Cyber then fell onto the ground holding her helm, "No,No,No! Not again!" She yelled as she soon blacked out. The last thing she saw was bulkhead run toward her. And the scraplet woke up and attacked bee. 
CyberLight saw Optimus fighting Megatron, Megatron was winning. CyberLight wished to help Optimus, unfortunately she was busy fighting off some con's. 
CyberLight quickly made do with them, she ran over to Optimus and Megatron. She threw her blade toward Optimus, he grabbed it and used it to block Megatrons own sword. 
Then, a con managed to sneak up on her. (Thats how she got so good at never being snuck up on, she learned that from Con's) 
The con grabbed her helm and smashed it into the ground. 
With a slight groan, CyberLight got up slowlly. Before she could get back up the con kicked her stomach, causing her to fall over again. 
CyberLight had started to black out, she was put on her knees. Her helm was down when a servo grabbed her helm once more. Her helm was lifted up, and there stood Starscream. CyberLight saw him yelling at con's. But she couldnt hear him, in fact, she couldn't hear anything. 
Then she blacked out,
CyberLight woke up in that very room she hated. (she became as strong as she is now from all these memories, so most will probably be like this).
CyberLight has her servos chained above her head once more. CyberLight hated this place, every time she was here it brought back bad memories. Moonshine. 
CyberLight hadnt even realized that Megatron walked into the room. 
"Well, well. I knew you would return to me again. No matter where you go Cyber, you will always end up back here." Megatron spoke knowingly.
CyberLight didnt talk. 
This time seemed just any other time, but it didn't feel like it. He was planning something, and it wasnt good.
Megatron got CyberLight to tell him what he needed to know. He then, took out his dark sword.
Megatron put his dark sword near CyberLights helm, she didnt try to move away since it could cut her. 
Megatron put his dark sword on CyberLights spark, the dark energon going into her spark.
At the time it was nothing really, it had no affect. At least that's what CyberLight thought. But really, in order for Megatron to change CyberLight to DarkCyber, he needed to do that first.
After that,
Megatron had done something to her, and then came the bad part-
Cyber was taken out of her memory. She woke by Ratchet shaking her. 
"Huh? Whats happening!?" Cyber shouted, or at least tried. Ratchet put his servo over her mouth. 
Ratchet motioned for her to be quiet. He pointed up, 
When Cyber looked up she about freaked out, if it werent for Ratchets still servo over her mouth, she would have screamed. There were hundreds of thousands of scrapplets. 
Bulkhead ran through the ground bridge as fast as he could, he gained the attention of the scrapplets. They followed after.
The article was to cold for them the frozen within seconds of being there. Optimus and Arcee both were brought back to the base. They all had started to clean. 
When Cyber saw Optimus, she ran over to him. She hugged him. 
Ratchet fixed Arcee and Optimus, Optimus wanted to know what had happened in the memory.
Cyber explained the memory to the bots.  
Cyber was always remembering new memories, just small ones. Like funny laughing times. Or sad times. 
The big ones, were mainly Megatron. She hated Megatron after everything he had done to her in the past. 
Cyber still hasn't slept in a long time, and shes nervous the Autobots will soon notice that as well. 
Hey guys! So I hope you liked this chapter! This one is my longest now! And I'm just so shocked at what my imagination can do! It surprised me so much! If I really like the kind of story, my imagination runs wild! That's what I love about Transformer's. What about you? What do you love about Transformer's the most?

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2022 ⏰

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