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I woke up in my bed confused as fuck on how I got home and then I felt a arm wrapped around me. I turn my body around to see that it was Des peaceful sleeping. Did we have sex last night...because if we did I don't remember shit. I took his arm from around me and woke him up.

"Des what the fuck you doing in my bed"!?I ask him while tapping him to get up.

"What"? He mumbled.If this nigga don't get the fuck up.

" Des did we do something last night"!? I asked because I really wanna know.

"". He said getting up

"So why you in my bed"? I asked again

"You had a little too much to drink at the party last night so I brought you back to your dorm and ended up staying". He said. I can't believe I even let myself get like that because I usually know how to handle my alcohol.

"So you had to sleep in my bed"? I asked him

"You wanted me to". He said looking confused.

" I did"? I asked. What the fuck else did I do.

"Yeah" He said. "Do you remember anything from last night"? He asked me.

"No... please don't tell I did something dumb". I said hoping and praying I didn't.

"Nah you ain't do nothing dumb". He said looking me. "But you did tell me some stuff ".

Oh no what the fuck did I tell him.

" What did I tell you" I asked. He didn't say nothing he just stared at me than started shaking his head grabbing his clothes and walking out my bedroom.

"Des what did I tell you"!? I asked again. Before he made to the front door I ran in front of him blocking it. "Des you not leaving until you answer me"! I yelled and pushed him back a little.

"You really wanna know huh". He said looking me in my eyes. I got nervous

" Um yeah". I said. He sighed and stared at me with unreadable expression on his face.

"You told me you was in love with me". He said looking me in my eyes. " and you kissed me".

When he said that my heart started pounding. I outed myself to him when I was drunk and I'm never drinking again after this. They say drunk people say what they really feel so ain't no need to lie and say I didn't mean it because really I did. I look at him not saying nothing and we just stood there until I said


" Yeah so imma go now because I gotta go handle some business". He said. So I moved out his way so he could leave. I knew things was gonna be weird between us once he found out. I sighed thinking about what I was going to do now. My head started hurting real bad so I went into the kitchen grabbed a bottled water and some aspirin. Then I hear my roommates door open.

" Hey girl how you feeling". My roommate Robyn said.Robyn was a pretty brown skin girl with curly hair she was cool but she can get rowdy sometimes.

" Girl not so good"I said. I need to get rid this hangover. Good thing it's Sunday so I don't work or have classes.

" That party was wild last night". Robyn said making her some coffee. I didn't even know she was there.

" You was there because I didn't see you". I said

"Yeah I came in right around the time you and Desmond left together after him and his baby mamma was arguing". She said taking a sip of her coffee.

"Baby Mama"!? I repeated. What the fuck is she talking about Des don't got no baby mama and if he did I would know about her.Then it all hit me.

                ( Flashback to the party)

"You thought I was lying well guess what nigga...this shit frl so Imma need for you to get ready to be a dad." Nia look to see who that was yelling and see it was Kayla yelling at what look like Desmond and that's exactly who she was yelling at. Nia had a few drinks and She may be a little tipsy but she knew she wasn't tripping. She don't recall Kayla and Desmond ever messing around so this was new to her and the feeling she had got when Kayla said she was pregnant with his baby was like a she got ran over a million times. So she took a few shots of henny to get over that feeling.

After Kayla left Desmond walked over to Nia asking if she was ready to go.He notice she was drunk.

"Come on Nia". He said grabbing my arm

" Don't touch me" Nia said. He only wanna leave because he embarrassed.

" You look like you had too much to drink" he said all in her face. She really wanted to slap the shit out of him.

" leave me alone we just got here you only wanna leave because that hoe made you look bad" Nia said. He look mad but She didn't care he should've wrapped it up.

" Man lets go" he grabbed me pulling me towards the door. Nia waved goodbye to her friends as he was pulling her away from them. He took her all the way to the car opened the passenger door so she could get in and then got on the driver side and drove off. They were silent for a minute

" I didn't know you had a girlfriend". Nia said looking at Desmond.

"I don't" Desmond said irritated a little.

"So you getting girls that's not your girlfriend pregnant"? Nia said.

"Listen I got caught up and that's probably not my baby". He said. " And why you worried about what I do"? He asked looking  Nia dead in her eyes.

" Because I love you dumbass". Nia blurted out. It was silent for a few seconds until Des spoke again.

" You drunk you don't know what you talking about". He said

" But I do though and I know I was in love with you since middle school". Nia said playing with her hair. She don't know that she just let out a big secret with no hesitation. Desmond didn't know what to say... this whole time they liked each other but was too scared to lose their friendship.

"Oh fr". Des said looking at the road then looking at her. "Stop playing in yo hair"he said pulling her arms down from her head. She then started to cry.

"Why don't you love me". Nia said sobbing. Des looked at her crazy. She don't need to drink again. Good thing he was pulling up to her dorm. He parked in the one of the spaces.

"What are you talking about Nia" Des said confused.

"You love hoes but you don't love me".Nia sobbed. "They ain't nothing like me"she said. Des tried to hold her hand to comfort her but she snatched her hand back and got out the car stumbling. Des got out and followed her to her room. She kept dropping her keys trying to unlock the door so Des unlock it for her.

"I didn't ask you to do that" Nia said being smart.

" Whatever"Des said closing the door.Nia sat on the couch and Des sat next to her putting his arm around her neck. He didn't know she felt that way about him and he had feelings for her too but commitment is his problem.

"Des"Nia said quietly.

" Yeah"Des answered. All he felt was their lips connect for like five seconds. Des was shook that she got off like that. He knew she was drunk so he let it slide.

"Can you stay with me tonight"? Nia asked him. She was tired and she didn't want to be alone tonight for some reason.

"Yeah"Des said. He can tell she was tired so nothing freaky was going down and he only like having sober sex. He would never try and fuck a drunk female especially not Nia he cared to much about her.

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