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"I honestly never thought we would end up like this " I said playing with Des chain around his neck. We were both in his bed naked.

"Me neither" He said laughing. "How come you never told me you like me I had all them girlfriends and you was probably plotting on them". He said

"I be honest I wanted to beat them bitches up but I kept my cool I didn't want my secret to be out"I said and he laughed. I love making him laugh.

" Well it's out now"He said looking at me licking his lips.

" I wondered why I never seen you with a boyfriend for a minute I thought you was playing for the other team " He said. I hit him and he laughed.

"Fuck you"I said

" You already did"He said laughing.

He thought that was the funniest shit ever. I just stared at him with a straight face.

" Bye you know that was funny"He said

"It wasn't tho" I said

It got silent for a moment

" How you feel"He said getting back to being serious.

" I feel good a little sore"I said. I honestly couldn't really explain how I was feeling it was kinda like I was high or something. The feeling I always get when I'm around him.

"It's your first time you gone be sore"He said getting out the bed. It's kinda weird seeing him naked.

"You thick as fuck" I said

He gave me the stop playing with me look and I couldn't hold my laugh in.

"Haha come in the shower with me"He said.

I have never showered with a nigga before and I'm clumsy as fuck I might slip or something.

"I don't know Des I'll just get in after you" I said.

" Man Nia don't tell me you scared to shower with me after what we did last night"He said.

He right.  He done seen my whole body

" I guess"I mumbled. I got up and followed him into the shower. We were facing each other and I still can't believe this is actually happening right now. We had a whole make out session in the shower and I didn't fall. We scrubbed each other's body and got out.

That wasn't bad.

" I gotta wear the same clothes I had on yesterday" I said. I would've brought some clothes but I didn't think last night was gonna happen.

"Here"Des said handing me one of his hoodies.

I love this man but he won't see this hoodie for a while.

"Imma need it back tho" He said

" Sure" I said sarcastically. My stomach started to growl and Des heard it.

" You hungry we can go some breakfast" He said.

"Okay"I said

After we finish getting ready we headed out. We took my car because after we eat I can just drop him off at his dorm than go to mine. We decided to go to the Waffle House. We got a table and order our food. Once our food came and we ate, we started talking about thanksgiving break from school and going back home.

"When we go back home you think we should tell our parents about this thing we got going on" He said taking a bite of his bacon smirking at me.

He think he cute

"I don't know" I shrugged.

When we got done with our food Des payed the bill and we left. I dropped him back off to his dorm and before he got out my car he just stared at me.

"What" I asked

"I love you"he said. My heart started racing.

I grabbed his face and kissed his lips

" I love you too" I said staring deep into his eyes.

I wanted him to know that I meant it and I'm serious about this Thing we got.

I just hope he was too.

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