Part 1

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       The willowing wisps of the breeze, the long yawns of the trees, the creaking sounds of old wood boards...

       Its closed. Well in fact it's always supposed to be. To be honest that door has been closed ever since I can remember and I practically live here for goodness sake! The door of course was located like any normal door would be located. To a room... But this room was different from all the rest. As I was walking down the hallway one morning, I was making my daily rounds throughout the house and I decided to glance over to the windowsill up ahead.

        I noticed as I walked closer to the window I was about the cross the room. Now this is the door that everyone in the house was scared of. I never really got to hear the backstory in full detail but the story is quite interesting to say the least. They say that some woman or something was locked in that room for years and she drove herself so crazy that she went to the door and banged her head so hard on the door and she did it over and over again that it broke her skull after awhile and she soon perished. But that's just what they say its probably some fable to keep people out of the room not that you could get into it anyway since its locked up.I never liked going by the door because some say also you can hear the door breathing or whatever is behind the door is breathing, honestly I've heard it a few times and it still gives me chills to this day.

        But as I glimpsed past the door, what I expected to see was a door, a big and sturdy door is what I should've seen. But nope, that's sadly not what I had saw. My eyes went wide as what I actual has saw was a black like abyss of a room. But it was only for a second but as I continued to walk. I suddenly stopped, as if finally the rest of my body caught up to me. It was odd, but petrifying all at the same time. I mean I could have been a simple misunderstanding, the owners of the house must of had someone else open the door. Must of. But why?

     A door just can't unlock itself then open. That's not how gravity works well that's not supposedly how gravity works to my extent. I look down the narrow hallway that now lies before me, I take a deep breath and slowly exhale, letting out all the carbon dioxide leave my frightened little body. It was terrifying to know that I could literally be about to walk into something that could quite possibly be life ending, you never know these days. It was like a start to a horror movie and I was a supportive character just about to meet my impending doom. Or worst, meet whatever is back there hiding in those shadows just waiting to come out and kill me or something crazy like that. I shakily walk towards the door that could possibly meet my doom.              As I draw closer to the abyss-like room I start to smell something dreadful. It was like there was a rotting smell of something that I couldn't think of . But I knew that it wasn't coming from anywhere else from the house. A lump had formed in the back of my throat and I barely choked it down to as I walk to the doorway that led to the room. I see darkness. But as I walk in into the abyss-like room my eyes go dark. As I draw closer and closer into the room chills start to abruptly crawl up my skin. As my eyes slowly adjust to what it felt like forever I could slightly see an empty room with books scattered everywhere, there were so many books around me I was slightly confused I hadn't ran in to any of them with my feet. 

        There were also posters of disturbing images and its so dark I could barely read or make sense of what it even said or for that matter mean. I quickly turned around not wanting to be in that cursed room any longer. I go to even take a few steps back to where I just came from. The door slams shut . It was like a huge gush of winds has just slam it short or something deadly had already done its dirty work for it. It was the most terrifying thing I have ever experienced. It was as all air had left my body and I was completely frozen. I heard the tiny clinks on the door as it signaled that wherever has slammed that door was coming for me next and it made sure I had no escape of my doom. I then went on full survival mood, as if a brain hit a switch and I was myself again, I wasn't gonna let whatever that wanted me to have me. 

        I still wanted life and I wasn't gonna give up that easy. I bolt straight forward towards the door and I slam up against it. I beat on that door for loudly I could wake up the whole neighborhood , well that is if we had any neighbors. It was just this house and then a few miles would be the neighbors. I screamed and I kicked against that door. I did with passion of a thousand lion's roars. I wasn't gonna give up now. The door began to rattle and I knew something was wrong . It had finally came back to finish me up. I screamed and hit on the door as tears came streaming down my face. I was so frustrated. My arms and legs went slowly limp and my back hit the hit as I slide crumbling down. I knew I wasn't going to be able to get out. My hope was gone. 

After a moment's silence I hear a voice....

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