Part 2

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"I see you've tried to escape too..." The voice said... 

My eyes darted up as I came face to face with a mysterious black figure. Its face was completely blank as its wearing one full body costumes you get when you are all one color or something. It was kinda mesmerizing to look at the figure.

"Who are you?" I said as a few more tears came down my face. The black figure slowly reached up and had ever so carefully put its hand out and wiped the tears that ran down my face. It was so heartwarming it almost made me cry more. But I didn't. I was so intrigued by this figure.

"No need to cry child. I am not the one you need to fear." it said as it slowly got up, reaching it hand down to offer it to help me up, I gratefully took it, and it felt like any normal person hand would, it was warm and touching. I was captivated and I carefully stood back up on my feet. Though, my legs and arms were exhausted from trying to escape, I gratefully had enough energy to stand on my own.

"This rooms aura is frightening to me and we need to get out of here, I've been stuck here for awhile and I've had enough of this, I can't bare to see another human life be taken away by this room. But you're probably wondering who I am, well I'm a Wanderer. Well specifically a Dark Wanderer, we Wanderers take care of aura like this but this aura is quite special if you can tell. And I've been trying to weakening it for a few years now but it's been quite difficult as its been draining my powers as well in that process and before I knew it, it captured me here in this room" The Wander explained.

"And as I got stuck here powerless to stop it, but when the door is opened my powers get slowly restored and when you open that door for a long period of time, I may have enough power to be able to get us out of here now. Also the name is Jack. It's nice to meet you. What is your name?"

"Oh um my name is Rachel. It's nice to meet you Dark Wanderer or Jack." I replied. I was so happy he was gonna help me out of here and that he has enough of his power restored so he can get out of here as well.

"Well Rachel I think we've been in this room for far too long, shall we?" he asked, reaching out his hand. I looked to his face and I smiled nodding my head and grabbing his hand. The Wanderer or Jack used his hand and swirling power came from as if it was magic forces that went on the door and it blew onto our faces and the door rattle and hissed at us and the wind was so heavy I closed my eyes tight and I hear the door slam open and light cower my eyelids I open them and look at Jack. He looks happy that he accomplished it and got to open it and we run out.Then the door then slams back closed and I laugh.

"Wow. We survived..." I blurted out. Jack laughed as well. And I smiled and turn to him

"Thank you for saving my life you have no idea what it means to me, I thought I was a goner..." I said looking down to the floor. I feel a hand lift my chin up and I see Jack staring at me I mean I know that I couldn't really see him, but to this day I knew he was staring back at me.

"No. Thank you Rachel. You saved me. If you never of opened that door I probably would still be stuck there in that dark place. So thank you. But as every story end we must now part ways now Rachel." he said.

"B-But." I said but was cut off.

"Don't worry, we will meet again Rachel. I'll always come to your rescue" he said and turned around. He slowly walked and  disappeared  out of sight and then tears slowly came down my face and I smiled...

"Until we meet again Wanderer..." I said. I turn and slowly turn and walk down the narrow hallway, never glancing back the that cursed door again.

In the distance a wisped whisper filled her ears as she walked outside into the cool clear breeze.

" Until we meet again Rachel..."


Discussion Questions? haha well as you can see im starting these every chapter from now on, I wanted to do something special sooooo here yea go XP 

 1. Any thoughts on this mysterious black figure named Jack?

2. Do you think this mysterious black figure is good or has some ulterior motives?

3. Any thoughts on whats going to happen next ?

Dear Readers, 

Thanks you so much for reading this chapter of The Wanderer, so sorry its a kinda of a short chapter but don't chu worry im in the making of a another chapter very very soon!!!! See you all in the next chapter of The Wanderer - Ophilea <3 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2019 ⏰

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