Day One-Yami No Yuugi (Atemu) X Yuugi Mutou- I Believe in Santa

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***Authors Note: SO CUTE! I love this paring, it will forever be one of my favorites, cause it’s just so cute ^_^. And Yuugi just seems like the type to still believe in Santa. While writing this, I was listening to the song “I believe in Santa Claus” from the Movie “The year without a Santa,” and OH MY GOSH the inspiration! Read on ^_^ takes place on Christmas Eve, and Yes, Yami no Yuugi has his own body XD***

Yuugi watched intently out the window, watching the snow fall. Yami No Yuugi watched from the couch, a yawn escaping his lips every now and again. “Yuugi…what are you doing?” Yami asked. “Watching for Santa, of course!” Yuugi replied instantly. “Yuugi…your 18 and stillbelieve in Santa?” Yami said, standing up.

“Of course, why not?” Yuugi said, looking up at the taller. “He’s not real maybe,” replied Yami. “Santa doesn’t have to be a fat man in red ya know…” Yuugi mumbled, turning back to the window. “He’s the spirit of Christmas…” Yami sighed. “Yuugi, you know I don’t believe in all that spirit of Christmas crap. Admit it, you believe in the fat man.” Yuugi didn’t reply, so Yami took that as a yes. “Why don’t we go to bed Yuugi. Santa won’t come if we’re awake,” Yami said, yawning again.

“No.” was the only reply he got. Yami rolled his eyes and picked the younger one up, against Yuugi’s will of course, and carried him up the stairs. Yuugi, with a blush covering his face, mumbled a few things on the way to his bed. “Yami-nii…please put me down…” he mumbled. Yami shrugged and dropped him on their bed. “Sure thing,” he replied, walking to the other side and crawled in. He pulled Yuugi under the covers and pulled him close. “Night Yuugi,” he whispered, planting a soft kiss on Yuugi’s lips. “Night Yami,” Yuugi replied, snuggling close to the elder.

Yami watched for a few moments. When he was sure Yuugi was asleep he closed his eyes, but instantly opened them again when he heard bells. He looked back out the window, but saw nothing. “Merry Christmas Yami No Yuugi, Atemu, Pharaoh of Egypt,” a voice said that sounded like it was right next to him, but he saw nothing. “Merry Christmas…Santa Claus…”

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