Day 6-MattXMello-Easy to Please

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***Author’s Note: I actually have ideas for the next 2 (this one and the next one) so they should be better***

Matt stood on the sidewalk, watching flakes of snow fall from the dark gray sky above the red-headed boy. He swore under his breath, and put his cigarette out. Christmas shopping was something that he would have to remember to put on his list of things he didn’t enjoy.

Not that it was hard. Yes he was shopping for his blond lover, the infamous Mello. Mello, who was know for his bad-a-- attitude, and never being happy, was actually very easy to please when you got to the core off it. Chocolate, leather, a new gun, he was a happy boy.

Matt shifted the bag in his arms. Shopping wasn’t the problem, it was the weather. It was cold, and Matt would rather be at home, curled up in his arm chair playing video games. 

Or curled up with Mello….

Matt smirked. Maybe Christmas shopping wasn’t so bad after all. 

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