Before the band

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Ashton's story before the band happened and how Lashton started too.
P.s. there's a pic of Narry YAS! I am so Narry af.
(Ashton's p.o.v.)
I was hanging out with my friends which were all girls since the guys in this school are dicks and don't want to hang out with me since I'm gay.
"So Ashton got anything your doing this weekend?" My friend Liz asked.
"No just going to practice my drums a bit and probably play on my Cajon." I answered and she signed.
"Come hang with us this weekend! Come and have a sleep over with us.
Come on ash!" she begged.
"Alright I'll think about it." I giggled.
"Yay!" They all came over and hugged me.
I giggled "Ok I'm going home, I'll see ya guys tomorrow." I grabbed my book bag, waving and started walking home.
"Well if it isn't Little Irwie?" Oh no I walked faster away I don't want to see his face I went around a corner to try to get them to stop following me.
But that didn't work.
He grabbed my book bag and swing me around.
"Stay away from my girlfriend! I don't like you hanging with her fag!" He pushed me and I fell on the ground.
They started started kicking me and they picked me up pushing me against the wall.
"So if your such a great gay boy, you can suck dick really well. My girlfriend is all like 'oh no I'm not like that' shit. but you are not a girl and you are not my girlfriend. and I will make you choke on this dick." I looked up in fear and I got up and tried to run but his friends caught me and pushed me against the wall again.
"No! No Please don't! I'm begging you! I don't want you! GET OFF ME!" He undid his pants and came over to me.
"Open wide, gay boy." I clamped my mouth and turned my head away.
"Alright fine, if that how you wanna be." he picked me up by my shirt and turned me around, his friends pushed me against the wall.
"NO DONT!" I kicked behind me and hit someone, I smacked the kid that was holding me in the face.
I grabbed my book bag and ran. I ran as fast as I could to get home.
Good thing nobody was home so I don't get bombarded with a hole bunch of questions.
I went upstairs and got in the shower.
Everywhere I got touched by those guys I washed.
I took off my millions of bracelets and washed my arms.
I've been clean for about 3 weeks but I've not been happy for those 3 weeks, Liz said I shouldn't do that because it's doesn't solve anything.
But it did only for a short amount of time I actually felt normal.
I got out of the shower and got changed.
I laid in my bed and tried not to think about what happened today.
Grabbing my phone and going on Facebook.
I saw I had a message from Michael Clifford.
Hey! I saw some of your drumming videos your really talented! Do you wanna be in our band?
That's awesome!
I would love to be in your band! Thanks!
Np :) come stop by my house tonight so you can meet me and our band members I live on 325 Manchester ave.
Ok I'll be there later. :)
"Hey I'm Ashton!" I introduced myself.
"Nice to meet you I'm Calum!" He answered.
"Luke!!" Michael called.
"What?" A blonde boy came running down the stairs.
"Oh hi! I'm Luke and you must be Ashton!" He shook my hand and I smiled.
He's adorable.
I got a text from Liz.
Liz ;):
I can't hang out tonight my parents said no, sorry.
Liz ;):
Okey dokey cya in Monday boo thang.
Bye bye :*
-Couple days later-
"Ashton can you help me with my guitar please?" He asked I smiled nodding.
I reached out to grab his guitar from him.
"Ashton's what happened to you arm?" I jerked my arm back and covered my arm with my sleeve.
"Nothing." I nervously smiled.
"What happened? Are those guys still beating up on you?"
"No their not, don't worry please." he sighed.
"Of course I'm going to worry it's because I love you and I don't like seeing you hurt." he said and sat down messing with his guitar.
"Did y-you say you l-loved me?" He nodded.
"Yeah? I though it was obvious." Luke stood up and gave me a kiss on the cheek.
"This is why I love you, you idiot." he ruffled my hair and I hugged him.
"Awwwh I LOVE YOU TOO!" I cheered.
He laughed. "Your adorable."
-when Louis noticed them-
"OMFG GUYS LOUIS TOMLINSON SHIT!! LOOK!!" Michael shoved his laptop in our faces.
"HOLY SHIT ANSWER!! SAY YASS!!!" I freaked out screaming.
"WERE GOING ON TOUR WITH 1D!!!" We did a cute group hug in victory.
And that's how we became famous.

-Present Time-

"Boys! We go on stage in like 5 minutes hurry your asses up!" Calum yelled.
I groaned pulling away from Luke.
We stood up and like leaned down giving me a kiss on the forehead.
Luke has gotten like 500 million feet taller than me after the years.
Today is our 2 year anniversary and of course we have a show on our anniversary.
I sighed.
"After the show we can have some 'private time' " he wiggled his eyebrows.
I giggled, he really is the best boyfriend ever.

And I guess that's the end of the story.
Update Yas I actually did update.
Bye bye

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