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This book is dedicated to the one I am cherishing now and hoping to cherish for a lifetime.

Her glance and beauty leading me with the moonlight to the darken paths of my life.

             The Moon "Luna" is as bright as the sun will ever be. The only difference between the two of them is their contrasting personalities. Their approach between the world. Hot as the day, cold as the night. They are as far as the unending oceans of the Earth. Seen by almost everyone or anyone. Mostly appearing at the night where she shines the brightest, where the sun cannot contrast your color. As far as this story goes, I will relate it along with how I am trying to pursue her. Let me introduce her to you and describe how she really is.

        "Luna" is a very elegant, good-looking, adorable, cuteness overload, and countless adjectives that I can ever describe her. Since the first day I met her, she trembled my view even if with just her presence. I tried to fall for an another person first before looking back at you and I was a fool to do that, honestly. My mistake had me ill and lost. So lost that I made someone lost a path too. Then again, days passed by and returned to how it really should be. I've got along with "Luna" well but not that close. She has given me the chance to witness her skills and talent with my very own eyes. She has her own majestic way of delivering her expressions and she doesn't lie. How can I even reach the standard she wants to portray along her glorious personality.

 How can I even reach the standard she wants to portray along her glorious personality

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Even I, myself, cannot find easily the answer. 

But the hands that I raised to answer that question will not back down, for I will truly find the answer through hell and high water. 

Will you wait for me till the next Solar Eclipse so that I may find the right time to be with you even for just a while?

I will wait till the Moon will kiss again the sun.

THE MOON KISSED THE SUNWhere stories live. Discover now