Chapter thirty seven

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Kalie pov

I wake up and look over to see Carter is gone

What time is it? Wow, 2:46 am

I walk down each stair quietly not sure is Carter is still up, but as soon as I turn the corner I see him drinking a glass of milk, before I could say anything, he pulls on his hair then knocks the glass over making me jump.

I'm not sure if I should sneak back up stairs or confront him... Before I can think

"Kalie?" I can't run now, he knows I am here

"I was just checking on you."

"Kalie can you come here please?" I nod shyly not sure of his mood. He brings me into a hug

"Why do you forgive me so easily?"

"What?" I pull away

"Why do you forgive me so easily?"

"Because I love you,"

"That's not why, I love my dad and I will never be able to forgive him.."

"Is this what this is all about? Your parents divorce?"

"No, yes, I don't know.." I watch as Carter un folds into a bipolar monster. I bend down and pick up the glass.

"Don't worry about that," Carter's hand grabs my arm pulling me up


"Sorry, I just..why don't you believe Mahogany like the others? I wonder that every second I am with you. Why is she still here with me? She loves me right? But how could she love a monster! I used so many girls, not just for my own pleasure, but for money and that need for love, but how could you show love if there is no one to love? Every word mahogany said was probably true,"

His words hit me like bullets but I am still stands barely.

"I am probably a man whore, who feed off of sex every second of the day, yet you still stick around? Are blind! Did you not see what I almost did back there! I almost had you, I was craving you Kalie. But you snuggled with me under the covers still like nothing happened..I want to see you get mad, you hide behind your sweetness and it's time to show yourself Kalie,"

I can't speak, I don't know what to say.

Am I hurt? Am I down bleeding on the floor yet? I'm still standing. It's all because I love him. What happened? We were fine, now he is mad at me for not yelling at him? What?

"Speak your mind Kalie! Don't be shy, I want to know what you think, I want to hear you scream."

"I love you," those are the only words that escape my mouth I watch as he takes a deep breath

"Kalie, speak you mind."

"I believed every word mahogany said, that you were to become a monster, but it's something we all have inside of us right? You want to see mine, you want me to stoop to your level of insanity. But that's not going to happen. You want me to say these things, but I'm not. Yes I believe you, but you have changed and I don't know why. Maybe it's because you have found something to love, so you can show it, but you can't handle it!" I wasn't screaming just shouting to prove a point.

"Carter, what happen back there was because we love each other, we were showing our love. And frankly I don't give one shit about what people say or think. Yes I was mad, i couldn't believe her words at first but then I did, but see Carter if you believe in the person you love you can out grow such a childish way of fighting!"

"Kalie, how do you know I'm not lying?"

"Do I have to show you why? Do I really need to! I can't believe this, you are driving me up a wall! Why can't you see passed your past and look at your future."

I pause as he looks up at me in the eyes

"Because I'm not really sure if I see one." Shots after shots fired I am finally down.


"You heard me, I'm not going to repeat it." My eyes twitch and fill with water.

"You're pushing me away, but I told you I'm not stooping to your insanity." He's driving me crazy, I can't breathe now... The air is getting thinner and my monster is taking control. I back up as Carter comes close see me break


"No! Why can't you see me! Why can't you see that I love you, why did you bring this up."

"The same reason of why you didn't," what is that supposed to mean!

"We were ignoring it, I love you too, but this love is a crazy ride and maybe it needs to slow down before one of us gets hurt."

"Are you breaking up with me?"

"No," I back up into the wall of the stairs he reaches for me, putting one hand on my hip and the other on my cheek. He leans in putting his forehead against mine.

"I will always love you Kalie, I just don't want to hurt you, like I did before. I love you so much that I have to protect you from myself." His lips brush against mine, but I push him off and run up stairs.

He runs after me, I'm scared.

I close the bathroom door and kneel down and scream my heart out

"Kalie! Open the door!"

"No! Why are you doing this to me! I LOVE YOU CARTER REYNOLDS BUT YOU ARE SO FUCKING BLIND YOU CANT SEE MY LOVE FOR YOU!" My monster is loose, I here a big boom as the door is kicked down by Carter.

"Why are we doing this? Why? When we love each other. You love me right?" I look at him

"I-I love you." He looks down at me

"I love you too."

"Then why are you doing this? Why are trying to pull us apart? Are you drunk? Or high!?"

"I know, I just wanted to here your mind, I wanted to know what you thought I wanted to know that everything was but will never be ok... Maybe I am drunk," he giggles a little

"I think you are." I push him a little, and start hitting him

"Kalie, ow! Stop! Ouch!"


"Yes, I'm sorry. I was just confused, and was trying to find the way out of the mind of curiosity."

"Can we lay back down, I'm tired and I can barely speak." I screamed so loud.

"Ya, you can I need to go pick up the glass."

"Carter, now what."

"What do you mean?"

"I finished picking it up," he tucks his head down

"My parents and your parents are stupid, let's promise to never be like them."


(This chapter was beyond weird, the next time I publish should be on Tuesday.)

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