Chapter 5

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Natsu, pulls up to Amber's apartment. Gray searches her purse for her keys and hands it to him. "Go open the door. I'll carry her in." Natsu runs up the steps and opens the front door. It was still raining hard. Gray gets out of the car and takes her into his arms. "Amber, you are going to be ok. I'll get you warmed up." He carries her into her apartment. Natsu turns on the lights. He has been to her place so many times, to drop her off after meetings or Gray needed to come over for work. "Natsu, get her fire place ready." He puts logs into the fireplace, grabs some newspapers and cripples it up and put on top. He uses his own lighter, to light. He has always been fascinated by flame. He uses the lighter for his own weird fetish. The fire roars to life, and starts warming up her place. Gray puts her down on the couch. "I need to get off her clothes." "Gray, she will kill you." "I rather get killed, then have her sick and back into the hospital. I am going to stay, you can go. I'll call you later or take a taxi home." "I can stay and help out?" "No, it's better this way." "Alright, I'll head home." He lays the keys down on the coffee table. Leaves, the apartment.

Gray looks down at her on the couch. "Need to take you over to the bed." He lefts her up again, and heads into her bedroom. He lays her down, and starts removing her clothing. Her skin was cold to the touch. "Come on sweetie, wake up." As he starts removing her clothes, he looks over her body. "This isn't the time to get turn on." He takes off everything, and eyes her bare breasts and her other set of lips. He gulps. "Need to be proper here." He puts the blankets on her. He lays on top of the covers, to hold her close. She was still feeling cold. The fire place was in the other room. The only way to get her warmed up faster was to share body heat. He stands up from the bed and removes all of his clothes, pulls back the blankets and gets in. He warps his arms around her. "Amber open your eyes." He rubs his hands over the top of her body. Getting her blood to warm up. "Why did you have to go there on your own. I would have gone with you. I told you, I want to be serious with you." He kisses the top of her head. "You aren't someone that is going to be a other notch on my belt. Believe me."

A other 10mins goes by. She is feeling warmer. Sees her eyes start to move, and slowly, opens them up. "Hey you." "Gray?" "Yeah, it's me." She looks over to him. "Natsu told me, don't get mad at him it was more of bosses order to tell me. I caught you before you hit the ground. Do you remember?" Tears will up in her eyes. "Gray, he is gone. It's all my fault. I should have been the one......" He puts a finger on her lips. "Don't even finished that." "If you had been the one that died. Do you know how sad I would have been, if I had lost you. You are important to me" He rubs her cheek. "Amber, fall for me. Don't stay in the past." "Gray, We have said, what we needed to yesterday. I am not going to be someone you will use for sex." "Then you use me instead." "What?" "If you think I am going to use you for sex, then do the other way around." "No, I am not. If I did, there is same chance of conceiving." She sits up in bed. The blanket falls down. She gasps. "Where are my clothes?" He eyes her breast. Seeing, how firm they were. She covers her up. "We didn't already...." "No no, I was just warming up your body, with my own" She lays back down and blushes knowing he is naked too. "Amber, like I said, I want you to think about it. Think about us, it would be amazing." She rolls onto her side. He moves closer to her. He kisses her shoulder. "Your gorgeous."

A flash from the daydream comes into her mind from when he told her that. Standing in front of him, naked as he sat on the couch. "Gray please leave." "No, you had a other panic attack. You are feeling warmer. His hand rubs her arm. "I want to stay, make sure you are alright." "I'll be fine." "You say that, but you will continue to think about it. I'll stay here for the rest of the day." She rolls onto her back. He rubs her cheek. "This is me trying to be serious. I will prove to you I mean what I said." "Like I said, I will see it, when I believe it." "You will see it." "Then can you get dressed and out of my bed." He pulls back the covers and sits on the edge of the bed. She looks at his tone build back. Her hand wanted to reach out and touch it. Wanted to throw caution to the wind, to be taken. To be filled up with him, to feel him and his touch on her. It would be so easy to remove her own covers and say yes. Her heart was beating fast, and she knew she was falling for him all over again. This time he was looking at her, but what is it he was truly seeing. A notch for him to claim. To be among those women, who have gotten what they wanted from him. Allow him to dump them when he had no other need for them no more.

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