Chapter 1

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"Keefe, go first," Biana told him. We just got our matchmaking scrolls and met up to open them at Everglen. 

"Why me? Let's do a vote," Keefe argued. "Who votes for me to read my matchmaking list first?" Fitz, Biana, Tam, Linh, Dex, and I all raised our hands. 

"That's a majority!" Biana smirked and gestured for Keefe to open his ice-blue envelope. He sighed and ripped it open, unfolding the paper inside and reading out loud. 

"Matches for Keefe Sencen." He paused dramatically. "Number one is..."

"Keefe, just READ," Sophie groaned, eager to see who it was but refusing to admit it.

"Sheesh, bossy much?" Keefe rolled his eyes and started reading again. "So number one is..." He glanced down at his paper and blushed. 

"OK, give me that." Fitz grabbed the paper from Keefe and read it out. "Number 1 is Biana Vacker." Biana blushed too, glancing at Keefe. "Number 2 is Sophie Foster, Linh Song is number 6, Stina Heks is number 12." Dex snickered. "Oh, and Maruca Endal is number 23." Fitz tossed to paper back to Keefe, who was still speechless. 

"Who wants to go next?" Sophie asked. Nobody answered. 

"You guys are such babies." Tam rolled his eyes and opened his envelope. "Matches for Tam Song. Ugh, I hate that name."

"Well?" Linh prodded as Tam hesitated to read.

"Alright, fine. Number 1 is Biana Vacker...?" Tam glanced at Biana and shrugged. "Number  2 is Stina Heks-" Keefe interrupted him with a shout of laughter.

"Stina and Bangs Boy sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-" Keefe teased in a singsong voice.

"Dude, shut up," Tam mumbled, glaring at his matchmaking list. "Why does the council hate me so much?" 

"Since, Tam's sulking, I guess I'll go next," Linh announced with a smirk, ripping open her silvery-blue envelope which was identical to Tam's.  "Number 1 is Fitz." As soon as she read this, a surge of jealosy nearly ripped Sophie's heart apart. It took several deep breaths to calm her down. "Number 3 is Dex, number 4 is Wylie, number 11 is Keefe.

"Wonderboy, go," Dex ordered. Fitz merely shrugged and ripped open his teal envelope. His eyes widened and he snuck a glance at Sophie, making her blush from head to toe.

Keefe rolled his eyes. "Guys, just start dating already. Everyone knows that you're totally in love."

"I - we're not - no," Sophie mumbled, shaking her head. 

"Keep telling yourself that, Foster. Keep telling yourslef that."

Fitz coughed. "Anyway, Fost-I mean Sophie is my number 1, Linh is my number 2, and a bunch of other Foxfire people are here too." 

"Like..." Tam pressed. 

"You know that girl Corah? Like the one with the blond hair and super dark blue eyes?" Fitz asked Keefe.

"Uh-huh. She was totally into you." Keefe rolled his eyes. "But so were 90% of the girls at Foxfire, so..."  Another wave of jealosy washed over Sophie's mind, nearly making her throw up. "You OK there, Foster?" Sophie nodded, forcing a smile. 

"Dex, your turn," Sophie said, effectively changing the subject.

"Alright, fine," Dex groaned. "But I bet I'm going to get Stina while Fitz gets someone as awesome as Sophie." 

"Someone as awesome as Sophie, huh?" Keefe asked with a wink. 

Dex blushed. "Whoops, did I say that out loud?" He opened his envelope with such a lack of speed that Sophie found herself grabbing the envelope and ripping it open herself. The letter said:

Matches for Dexter Dizznee:

1: Linh Song

2: Biana Vacker

15: Sophie Foster

27: Stina Heks

"Haha, Stina's on his list," Keefe smirked.

"Hey, she was on yours, too," Dex argued. They were interrupted by a loud ripping noise, and looked up to see Biana opening her envelope. 

Biana started reading her matches out loud. "Number 1: Keefe. Number 2: Tam. Number 9: Dex. Number 37: Wylie. Number 56: Jensi." She blushed and glanced at Keefe, who smirked and winked at her. 

"Aaand the one everyone's been waiting for. The great, Sophie Foster!" Keefe presented.

Sophie rolled her eyes and glanced down at her bright gold envelope. Her stomach was flipping around, especially when Fitz transmitted,

You've got this! Along with one of his very adorable smiles.

Sophie took a deep breath and ripped open her envelope. She carefully unfolded the piece of paper and look down to see,

Matches for Sophie Foster: 

Number 1: Fitzroy Vacker

Sophie stoped reading and looked up at Fitz, heart fluttering madly. How is Fitz my number 1?  She thought dizzily, then went back to reading so no one would suspect anything. 

Number 2: Keefe Sencen

Number 4: Valin (I don't know his last name - author's note)

Crap, Keefe is never going to shut up about this. Sophie thought to herself.

Number 13: Dexter Dizznee

Number 30: Tam Song

Number 52: Wylie Endal

Number 78: Jensi Babblos

"You done there, Foster?" Keefe grabbed the paper without an answer and immediately started laughing. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

"What?" Fitz asked nervously. "Is-"


"Valin... the guy you danced with once?" Biana asked Sophie. When she nodded, everyone else burst into laughter too. Sophie tried her hardest to hide behind her hair.

"Whew!" Keefe let out a final snicker, then flashed a crooked smirk. "That was the best match list ever!" 

"It was," Fitz agreed with a grin at Sophie that made her heart start fluttering again. Sophie glared at both of them, which only made Keefe's smirk widen. 

Biana wiped away a tear and tried to stop giggling with no luck. Linh was the one who finally stopped all the laugher. Sophie made a mental note to buy her a gift later.

"So... are you guys going to do Winnowing galas?" 

So how was this story? Too boring? Too much talking? Too little talking? Tell me, I won't be offended 🙃

Sorry if there wasn't much fluff in this story. I promise, there will be lots coming up! 

I will try to update before November 16. No promises, though 😖

Shoutout to @k1tk4t127 for writing my favourite Sophitz Fan Fic! Go read their story, it's really good! 

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