Chapter 2

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"We don't talk about that," Keefe reached up to run a hand through his already dishevelled hair and stood up. 

"I agree with Keefe," Fitz chimed in, changing the subject quickly. "Do you guys wanna stay for an epic sleepover?" 

Tam shook his head, standing up as well. "Linh and I have something to do."

"We do...?" Linh questioned, then noticed her brother's expression. "I mean, yes, we do!" 

Dex snickered, then added, "Yeah, I've got to go help out at Slurps and Burps. Next time maybe!" He flashed his dimples with a grin and raised his pathfinder to the light, glittering away. Tam and Linh did the same, leaving just Fitz, Biana, Keefe and Sophie. 

"Just like the old times, huh?" Biana smiled, a little sadly in Sophie's opinion. Fitz glanced at Sophie. 

"Can you come here for a sec? I want to ask you something," He smiled his movie-star smile and Sophie's heart refused to stop fluttering. But then again, her heart never listened when it came to Fitz. 

"Uh, sure," Sophie replied, her mind racing with all the different things that could 'happen'. 

Keefe snickered, then fanned the air. "You okay there Foster? 'Cause I'm feeling some pretty big mood swings from you!" He winked. It took all of Sophie's will power not to smack him.

Fitz ignores him and offers Sophie his hand, leading her out of the room when she takes it. They stop at the nearest guest room and Fitz sits down on the edge of the bed, with Sophie sitting down next to him. 

"So... we're both number one on each other's match lists," Fitz said causing Sophie to blush bright red. 

"Yeah...?" Sophie's heartbeat started speeding up. She gazed into Fitz's impossibly teal eyes and tried not to melt into a puddle.

"Do you, um, want to be my girlfriend?" Fitz asked softly. Is this a dream? Sophie asked herself. But Fitz took one of her hands, and when Sophie looked into his eyes, she could see the hope inside of them. So this had to be real. 

"I'd love to," Sophie whispered back, trying to slow her racing heartbeat with no luck. Fitz gave her an amazing smile and leaned in a tiny bit closer, taking one of Sophie's hands. Their faces were only a couple inches apart.

"Then trust me." He closed his eyes and slowly leaned forwards, cupping her face in a way that sent tingles down her back. They were mere inches from each other when Fitz slowly leaned in and slanted his lips over hers.

FITZISKISSINGMEFITZISKISSINGMEFITZISKISSINGME!!! Her brain screamed over and over again, refusing to think about anything else.

Fitz licked Sophie's lower lip, causing her to gasp, and allowing him to put his tongue inside of her mouth. Fitz teased her with his tongue while Sophie scooted over until she was nearly sitting in Fitz's lap. Both their faces were bright red as a low moan slipped out of Sophie's mouth, filling Fitz with longing. Fitz cupped Sophie's cheek with one hand and wrapped his other around her waist; Sophie's arms were around Fitz's neck.

Sophie pulled away, because it felt like her heart and lungs would explode if she stayed a second longer. She simply rested her head on Fitz's muscular chest and closed her eyes, replaying the kiss in her mind. Fitz kissed the top of Sophie's head and started to play with her hair, causing Sophie to giggle.

"I love you," Sophie whispered turning to look into Fitz's beautiful eyes with a smile. 

"Love you too, babe," Fitz replied teasingly with a sexy wink. Sophie laughed as kissed Fitz again, quickly. 

"We should probably get back though. I bet they're wondering where we went," Sophie said, standing up reluctantly. 

"Damn. But you're probably right." Fitz stood up as well and stretched. He dropped a kiss on the top of her head. Sophie couldn't help but notice how muscular those arms were...

Fitz reached out and took her hand, leading her back into the sitting room. Their footsteps echoed on the crystal floor as they walked silently back. 

When they got back, Sophie glanced at one of the couches and found Biana and Keefe making out passionately on a sofa. Biana was making little moaning sounds and Keefe's icy blue eyes were closed. 

Sophie looked up at Fitz, and saw an amused expression on his face that was probably mirrored on hers. Fitz coughed pointedly, smirking. 

"Oh... hey, dude," Keefe said casually, pulling away from Biana. Both their faces are flushed. 

"Are you getting handsy with my sister, Sencen?" Fitz asked.

"Yeah, I am, actually, " Keefe answered definatly. Biana giggled. 

"So what do you guys want to do?" She asked, leaning into Keefe's side. He put a protective arm over her shoulders. 

"Basequest?" Sophie suggested. 3 other voices immediately disagreed. 

"How 'bout... Bramble?" Fitz asked. Biana glanced out the window. 

"Nah, it's too dark. Though we all know I'd kick your butts." 

"Truth or dare...?" Keefe offered with an evil gleam in his eye. 

"Sounds all right to me," Sophie agreed. Biana nodded and Fitz sighed. 

"Fine," He grumbled. "I call going first though." When everyone agreed, the game started. "Keefe, truth or dare?"

"Dare! I ain't no pussy," Keefe said confidently. 

"OK... I dare you to hug Tam the next time you see him. You're not allowed to talk to him." Fitz announced. Keefe groaned, but nodded. 

"Foster, dare or dare?" Keefe asked. 

"Um. Dare, I guess?" Sophie replied uncertainty. 

"Yes! Ok, I dare you to..." Keefe dropped his voice to a whisper, causing Sophie to lean in to hear it. "Sleep with Fitz tonight. You're not allowed to tell him it was a dare."

"What????" Sophie complained. 

"You gotta do it, Foster." 

"Fine. Later," Sophie grumbled. Oh, man. What was Fitz going to say? She thought desperately, peeking at Fitz. "Biana, truth or dare?"

"Truth," she answered confidently. 

"Boring! Ok, when did you realize you loved Keefe?" Both Biana and Keefe's faced turned red again. It was hilarious.

"Wh-when I was 9," Biana stammered, reddening even more. 

"Aw, cute!" Sophie replied, smirking. 

"Dinner!" Della called from the kitchen. 

"Let's go. We can continue this after," Fitz said, offering his hand to Sophie. When accepted, he hauled her up with a little more force than necessary. Sophie ended up in Fitz's arms, blushing furiously. 

Keefe snickered. "Looks like the Sophitz ship has set sail!"

 Yes, yes. I realize it's WAYYYYYYYY past November 26, but hey! At least I got in a Chapter, right? 

Anyway, sorry this chapter was a little boring. Patience! We'll get into the "good" stuff later... 😳😉

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