Chapter Eight

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In the two months after that long, desperate passionate night on the couch, Draco and Harry had decided to be open about their close friendship. But when they were alone, they were all over each other. They weren't dating, however, just relieving each other's stress.

In those two months, they had also found clues that lead to the conclusion that Lucius was in the Malfoy Manor. And today they were going to confront him.

"Harry... I don't know how to feel about this," Draco said. He'd been shaking all day.

"Calm down," Harry said, stepping in close. He tucked a stand of Draco's silky hair behind his ear. "You've got me, and we'll be okay." He kissed the blonde gently.

"How can you be so sure?" Draco asked, pushing him away.

"I defeated Voldemort, and I believe I can take on your father, too." Draco wasn't convinced, but nodded and sighed. He scratched at his arm nervously.

Ron, Neville, and two other Aurors came into Harry's office.

"Are you all ready?" Harry asked, standing up straighter, taking on an authoritative tone. They all nodded. "Then let's go," Harry said. He lead the group, Draco flanking his right, the other four following behind.

As they marched through the building they received wishes of good luck and other encouraging words. They left the building and split up, meeting each other at a designated place in the woods, which was about a 45 minute walk away.

Draco had arrived first. He picked up one of the brooms in the best condition. Harry arrived second. "Reminds me of Quidditch," Draco said thoughtfully.

"Indeed," Harry said. They didn't talk after that because the others had arrived.

"It's a straight path from here to the Manor, and by the time we're there it'll be dark. We will meet in the woods behind the building. Draco will designate the landing spot. Now, let's get going," Harry said, kicking off the ground and shooting into the air. Draco followed right behind, and the others came close after.

Harry and Draco flew side by side, feeling each other's anxiety. Harry nodded to Draco, doing his best to reassure him.

After two hours, they arrived in the Manor yard. Draco landed them right within the edge of the woods. There was a clearing about 50 feet in they were going to use.

Upon landing, Draco grabbed Harry. "There's dozens of people in there. Death Eaters I'm going to assume."

They all stood still when Draco said this. It complicated everything immensely.

"What do we do then?" Neville asked.

Harry furrowed his brows and stared at the house. "What would happen if you went in, Draco?"

"I would be killed. They know I was with you and the Ministry," he said as confidently as he could. He could feel himself breaking under the pressure.

"Fuck..." Harry breathed out. He examined the house further.

"Draco and I will find a way in. You four cause a distraction that lures them outside. Anything works, but make it fast," Harry demanded. "No matter what, keep each other safe. I don't want to lose any of you."

"We'll do our best, Harry," Ron said with a smile of encouragement.

Draco lead them around to the woods near the side of the building. He pointed to a set of cellar doors, "They lead into the kitchen. The house elves are the only ones down there."

Harry nodded and checked the lawn. He watched as the four others ran to the side of the building, searching for an open window or empty room. He sprinted across the lawn and crouched near the cellar doors. He tried to open them, but they were locked.

"Alohomora," Harry spoke. Draco joined his side as the lock clicked. He flung open the doors and descended into the room. Draco followed, but held him back for a second.

"I'll go first to make sure the elves don't tell. I'm still their master, too," Draco said. He stood tall and entered the kitchen. Two elves looked to him. Harry waited outside of the room, pressed against a tower of boxes. "Do not speak of our presence, do you understand?" Draco said sternly but quietly. Harry emerged and followed close behind Draco. The elves paid no mind to him.

Draco peeked out of the kitchen into the dining room. There were a large number of people standing there. And luckily Lucius was there, too.

Ducking back into the kitchen, Draco came close and hugged Harry. He breathed in the scent of his apple shampoo and felt his heart beating quickly against his chest.

"No matter what happens Harry," he said, "you're going to finish this. You'll catch him." He smiled with tears in his eyes. I'm sorry, Harry...

"Draco what ar-" Harry was cut off by an explosion. That was their cue.

They stepped into the doorway of the kitchen, peeking around to see Lucius. Unfortunately he was staring straight back at them. Draco shoved Harry back, shouting at him to go.

Harry took a few paces back, but watched as Draco fell to the ground, writhing in pain before falling silent. Harry wasn't sure if he'd been knocked out or killed, but he didn't have time to find out.

"Get over here, Potter!" Lucius yelled psychotically, coming into view. His wand was held high, about to cast another spell.

"Expelliarmus!" Harry shouted. The wand was knocked from the Malfoy's hand, giving Harry enough time to escape.

Draco you fucking idiot! Harry entered the forest and ran back to the clearing. Ron was waiting for him, the other three having gone back already.

"Where is he?" Ron asked. He glanced back to where shouts could be heard. Through the trees at least 20 Death Eaters could be seen, searching. Lucius's voice boomed over the other's.

Grabbing his broom and wiping his eyes, Harry said, "He's gone." He kicked hard off the ground and shot into the air, dodging hexes as he went. Ron followed after.

Follow My Lead (A Draco X Harry Fanfic!) [EDITING IN PROGRESS]Where stories live. Discover now