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It was already after three thirty and I was awaiting the arrival of Mr. Rhynes. I didn't inform Shayla of her father coming to the school, I assume they see each other enough for it won't be much of an issue if she sees her father walking through the school.  When I heard a loud knock on the door, I stood to my feet fixing the knee length pencil skirt I had on. It hugged my hips perfectly, and the white blouse I had on matched it perfectly. I covered my top with an all white cardigan because students are not the only ones required to wear appropriate outfits to school. 

When I pulled the big wooden door open there stood Mrs. Anderson, the Secretary. "Hello Miss Jones, A Mr. Devonte Rhynes is here for a parent/teacher meeting." I smiled at her nodding my head. 

"That's great, send him on in." She sent me a quick head nod, informing me that she understood then walked away. I cracked the door then made my way over to where my desk was. I fixed the back of my skirt before sitting down in the black swivel chair. 

"Hello?" I heard the semi-deep voice of a man then some soft knocks upon my office door. I rested my elbows against the cold wooden desk and cleared my throat. 

"Yes please come in." My voice was soft yet loud enough for the unknown man to hear me clearly. The door swung open revealing a rather tall slender man, his chocolate skin shined in the light that was beaming down from the ceiling and his bright smile was enough to make a grown woman go wild. I stood to my feet once I realized I'm at work and held my hand out. "Hello Mr. Rhynes, I'm Miss Ameriella Jones , the schools nutritionist." 

"Nice to meet you Miss Jones." He took a seat in the chair and I sat back down in the seat. "Sorry I'm a little late, but what's wrong with Shayla? I haven't really been able to get in touch with her mother in the last couple weeks." 

"I'm sorry to hear that, She's been having some serious weight loss issues lately. I know I'm not suppose to be in personal business, but me being here making sure all the kids are suppose to eat healthy , seeing her massive weight decrease bothers me. Also, she comes to school every day not presintable. I hate seeing kids bother her because her clothes aren't clean and her hair is matted down as if no one wanted to do her hair." He sat back in the chair rubbing his chin hair, he shook his head in disgust. 

"I fought three times to get my daughter from her mother and her... boyfriend. Only god knows what happens in that house, but I wish that could come to an end. The court is allowing her to stay with her mother until I'm so called back on my feet, but I've been back on my feet for a good seven months." His head dropped into his hands. "I try to be an amazing father but that's been hard ever since she was taken away. It's like they were watching my every move man, didn't even give me a chance to explain." 

"What exactly happened?" I questioned standing to my feet, whatever happened you can tell it's a touchy subject and he's been wanting to get it off his chest. No one opens up to someone they don't know this fast. "No no, how about this.. We can talk about this on our own time okay? I'm free whenever you want to let off some steam but I really should be getting some where in about fifteen minutes." 

"I'm sorry , I'm sorry. Is there anyway possible you can get me Shayla down here? I would like to sign her out for early dismissal, I have to buy her clothing, food and get her hair done." I nodded grabbing the phone off the desk dialing her classroom number. 


"Daddy! " Shayla screamed jumping into her father's arms, he smiled embracing her tightly kissing on her cheek multiple times. He wouldn't let go and neither would she, it was a beautiful sight to see a man and his daugther. "I missed you soo much!" 

"I know princess, I missed you even more. I'm going to make sure everything for you is okay." He told her setting her on her feet. His eyes scanned her small little body and he shook his head, he sees the massive weight loss I was talking about very well. It's sad that the young , sweet little girl has to go through so much. "Thank you." He said as he turned to look at me. 

"It's no problem." I flashed him a toothy smile holding my hands in front of me. He grabbed a piece of paper writing his number on it and handing it to me. "What's this for?" 

"You can keep it whether it's for things regarding Shayla, or if you would like to you know just talk between us about anything.. That's my personal number." I felt my cheeks getting hot and I smiled nodding my head his way. "Thanks for everything Miss Jones." 

"You're very welcome.. Have a great day you two!" I waved at them as they exited the office hand in hand. Glad I was able to help. 

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