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My day started just like always . The alarm bell was ringing like crazy . I got up and switched off the alarm . It was 8 in the morning and I was getting ready for the last day of my school . I got ready and went downstairs to have my breakfast . I went out to go to school . It was the last day of school so everyone was excited and were discussing the possibilities of going to college . When I reached school I found my best friend Ryan standing at the gate waiting for me.

I walked over to him and noticed that he was avoiding making eye contact with me and was looking sad which was unusual for him . Usually he is very talkative and always smiling but today he was looking differently at me like he was afraid of me and was reluctant to talk to me." Hey! " I called out to him . He looked at me and returned " h...h..hey " .I walked towards him but was restrained doing so by a massive arm of a person whom I knew too well . The arm restraining me was the arm of one of my worst enemies and a fearsome bully , Charles Jackson , better known as Charlie . " Leave me alone for once ! " I shouted at him . " Hey tough guy ! I just want to ask you a question which will probably be asked to you by the police . "

" The police !! Why would the police ask me any question ? I haven't done anything criminal. " I answered. " Oh! Haven't you heard about it ? Would you like to hear it from me or your wimpy best friend . " He chuckled . I pulled away from him and went to Ryan . " What's going on ? " I asked him. He stammered and said three words which I regret everytime I think about it . He sighed and answered " Reyna is dead. "

James Walker : Life LessonsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora